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PREFERENCE@ offers publishing, consultation of opinion polls with high added value without loss of societal intelligence.

The processing of the results, thanks to an algorithm * based on the use of the vote of preference, allows an accurate analysis of the opinions and rational collective decision-making.


” Expression of an order of preferences
” Aggregation and measurement of collective preferences
” Intelligent consensus production
” The guarantee of quality decision-making and the richest information


Let’s look at an example :

An entity must choose the color of its logo; it decides to question its closest and most impacted partners via a simple choice (single-member ballot) and obtains the following results:

Red : 46%

Green : 42%

Blue : 12%


These same partners then classify the colors in order of preference and we get the following results:

46% of customers rank :          Red           Green         Blue

42% of customers rank :          Green        Bleu           Red

12% of customers rank :          Blue           Green         Red

(If rank 1 is taken into account, we find the results of the single-member ballot)


Let’s measure the results for each level of preference (P)

P1       P2        P3

Red :            46%     00%     54%

Green :        42%     58%     00%

Blue :           12%     42%     46%

We observe that Green is the color that reaches a consensus * of 100% preferably from the 2nd rank, while at the same rank level, Blue comes in second with 54% and the last is Red with 46%.


“Therefore, in order to satisfy the greatest number, our entity taken as an example will be able to choose or not the Green? …. “




” Ranking in order of preference
” The possibility of tying  or equaling the preferences without limit
” To leave a preference rank or several voids
” And to formally reject one or more proposed choices

Example of presentation with 4 tracks of preference and the rejection module (we position the tracks here by dragging them with his mouse) :



Consultation results:


– Track 1 is first on a single-member ballot when in reality it generates the least satisfaction, a medium regret and a very weak consensus.
– On a single-member ballot the other alternatives are tied for 2nd rank.
– Moreover, Track 3 is a very qualitative choice whatever the objective since 1st in Satisfaction +, 1st tie in Regret – and in 1st Consensus.




Reading the results:

3 possible reading axes

Maximise satisfaction +: allows to highlight the most supported alternatives, most often well ranked. By deciding along this axis, the decision-maker will generate a strong contentment from a maximum of voters and potentially some dissatisfied.

Minimise regret: highlights the least often rejected and / or poorly ranked alternatives. On this axis the decision-maker will take a more secure position; he is sure not to create discontent but will not potentially generate strong commitment / content on the part of the voters.

Consensus: it’s the middle ground that will maximise satisfaction and minimise voter regret. This procedure creates a large core of satisfied voters, few very satisfied and few very dissatisfied.

To emphasise that it is not a question of 3 different results but of 3 axes of reading of the same result!


«PREFERENCE@ provides the most precise and respectful result of the expressed opinions, its 3 axes of reading allow the establishment of a real reflection and bring information with high-added value; it is a formidable tool of expression and decision support that is available in all situations.
PREFERENCE@ allows the decision-makers to make the best choices …



David Dubois



* Info Algorithm: The algorithm used is based on the use of preference vote:
It solves the paradox of Condorcet
It respects the 5 criteria of rationality of ARROW (non-dictatorship, totality, independence, universality, unanimity)
* definition of consensus: Agreement and consent of the greatest number,  and public opinion: Social consensus. Procedure which consists in reaching an agreement without proceeding to a formal vote, which avoids showing objections and abstentions.




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