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Brittany Region

Entre le local et le global

Brittany is in the middle of the European Regions, with a GDP around 90% of the average. It faces handicaps mainly linked to its geographical position: it is a peninsula, far from the centers of population and decision-making on the continent.

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M. Jean-Yves Le Drian

Ministre pour l'Europe et des Affaires Etrangères

Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Jean-Yves Le Drian

What is your view on the place of local authorities, in particular the regions, in the current functioning and future of the European Union?

Jean-Yves Le Drian. Local and regional authorities have their place in the European Union, notably through the Committee of the Regions, but also through the role of regional parliaments. They are also a driving force for Europe: thanks to the many achievements of cross-border cooperation, Europe has a sure and everyday face for our fellow citizens; they can perceive through them all the benefits of the European construction. I am thinking of very concrete initiatives such as the transboundary natural parks, the Vosges or the Mercantour, or the cross-border tramways, such as Strasbourg-Kehl, which was inaugurated this year. The territorial communities on the border have fully understood the value of going beyond the national framework alone; they have thus initiated European groupings of local and regional authorities, for example, in 2008 the eurométropole Lille-Courtrai-Tournai, the first of its kind. This kind of co-operation is essential for the 360,000 French citizens crossing the border every day in a neighboring country. In addition, regions are key players in addressing the global challenges facing Europe. I’m thinking, for example, of the fight against global warming: it’s up to local authorities on the ground to implement the objectives that Europe has set itself.

Finally, it should not be forgotten that it is the regions that manage the Community funding for cohesion. This represents an envelope of nearly € 28 billion for the period 2014-2020, mainly for economic, social and territorial cohesion projects, as well as for rural development. But we must also have a pragmatic approach. The disparity in the means and powers of local authorities across Europe sometimes makes it difficult to express common positions. From this point of view, groupings based on shared interests are an effective instrument, such as the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, of which Bretagne is a founding member.

By 2015, you have identified six major priorities for Bretagne, including the successful transition of energy and ecology. What is your view on this subject and can Europe be a partner to help the territories in this evolution?

JYLD. This is obviously one of the great challenges of the 21st century for Bretagne as well as for France and Europe. The challenge is global, which is why it is crucial to achieving shared goals at the global level. Otherwise, the efforts of some would be rendered in vain by the inaction of the others. The Paris Conference helped to forge the broad outlines of an unprecedented consensus, but vigilance must be exercised to ensure that the commitments of all parties are respected. The game is far from won, and Europe will have to set an example. In Europe, as I have already said, it is the local authorities who will translate these commitments into action.

The European Union is an essential partner for this, in particular through the Structural Funds which already support investment in of a carbon-free economy throughout our territories. It will have to do even more in the future.

You have also initiated a number of projects to support the economic and social development of the Bretagne region, including strengthening the defense and security sector. How is the Cyber hub so exceptional?

JYLD. Indeed, cyber defense and cyber security are major issues in an increasingly connected world. I think of the capacities of espionage, of paralysis of systems essential for the economic and social life, or even of destruction. No one doubts it yet, and not everyone has yet grasped the extent of the efforts needed to anticipate and prevent threats in this area. My belief is that the threat has changed in scale for the past two or three years. France must be on the cutting edge. The cyber excellence cluster in Bretagne is, to my knowledge, the first in Europe to combine all the key elements of success: bringing together public and private actors, military and civil, by combining training, research and industrialization. The cluster of course works with other partners across Europe, but it is set to become one of the hubs of the European cyber protection network.


The development of the maritime economy is another major challenge. How are France and Bretagne in this sector?

JYLD. I am convinced that the sea will play a decisive role in the future of our country, and that Bretagne can contribute to it. The so-called blue growth is a fact that nobody can ignore, because the globalisation of trade implies an increased maritimisation of the world economy. France is a major maritime power; it has major strengths in this field: I am thinking first of all of the extent of its maritime spaces in each of the oceans of the globe, the presence of its fleets, its naval industry, and its capacities of research. From fishing to renewable energies, from shipbuilding to tourism, from seaweed culture to offshore racing, the opportunities are endless. The Bretagne region is the first maritime region of France. And yet, as for the rest of France, the sea is still far from representing what it should be in our development model. We must therefore intensify our efforts: in research with IFREMER in the forefront, in the development of marine energies on our territory, in the renewal of the fishing fleet to limit the energy bills of ships and to give work to the shipyards, in the competitiveness of our flag, in our ports. In Bretagne, maritime development is unanimous and I have no doubt that our entire country can share such ambition for France; it would confirm the economic vocation of our coast, in metropolitan France as well as in overseas territories.

European news remains dominated by the Brexit. How do you analyse the impact of this event for Europe and for France?

JYLD. We respect the sovereign decision of the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union, although we regret it. It opened a period of doubt for both citizens and businesses. It is in our collective interest to put an end as soon as possible to this uncertainty, first by negotiating the conditions for withdrawal and then by establishing the legal framework for our future relations as soon as possible. On the other hand, I cannot go in your direction and feel that the Brexit “dominates” European news: it is obviously a major issue, to which we give all the attention it deserves. But it cannot justify that European work on other subjects stops or even slows down. On the contrary, the election of President Macron, as everyone acknowledges, marked a turning point, a reversal of the trend: now a majority of French people are ready to mobilise again around the European project, provided they recognize themselves and that this project responds to the aspirations of our fellow citizens; and abroad this movement is welcomed by all our partners, believe me! We shall watch over the hope which has thus returned; we have made major advances in recent months, I think for example in the Europe of the Defense. We must also devote our energy to building Europe at 27, and the President of the Republic will make important proposals after the German elections.


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M. Karl-Heinz Lambertz

Président du Comité européen des Régions (CdR)

Cohesion policy – the EU’s main investment and solidarity tool – has reduced disparities, spread innovation and brought sustainable growth. It must continue to be a pillar of the EU in the future and not be undermined by the financial impact of Brexit or the need to fund new tasks.

JGDE. How can your committee be a lever to get out of the European crisis?

«Europe will come out of the crisis only if we demonstrate that we can achieve results inspired by a common vision. I am convinced that if we want to bring Brussels closer to the local communities it serves, if Europe wants to restore the trust it has lost over the years, then it must start by acting in its regions and cities. This is why I am determined to value the role of our Committee in the European Union and to make it the place where all regions and cities can come to express themselves».

President Lambertz, a member of the CdR since 2001 and former chairman of the Party of European Socialists Group of the CdR, stressed the importance of preserving and modernising the European Union’s regional development policy – its cohesion policy – and how much it is necessary to strengthen solidarity. «We must build a social Europe marked by the seal of unity between its regions and cities. Under my presidency, and as difficult negotiations on the EU budget are about to begin, I will continue to advocate for the Union to deploy a strong cohesion policy and increase its visibility. It would be totally unreasonable to diminish, dilute or condition it. An amputated Union of Cohesion Policy is not a Europe we can accept,» he said.

« Europe must deliver on the issues that matter most to citizens and so the future EU budget must be a people’s budget fit for the challenges of the 21st century. The #CohesionAlliance reflects a simple belief that by investing in our communities, tackling regional disparities and supporting social integration, cohesion policy is the ultimate sign of European solidarity. Ambition must now be matched by a flexible ambitious EU budget with a strong cohesion policy for every region and city».

Recently installed as the new President of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), Lambertz is keen to set out his stall and to highlight that under his tenure he wants to see the CoR become more integrated into the political fabric of the EU decision-making process. In his acceptance speech during the July CoR plenary, the 65-year old Belgian said no EU institution alone could feasibly take action on the numerous crises that the bloc had to urgently respond to. “We need to work together. This is my intention and the EU institutions are giving us encouraging signs”. Signs such as asking the CoR to contribute to the EU’s ruminations on its future. Lambertz is keen to demonstrate the regions’ worth to the CoR’s Brussels-based institutional cousins. “Without a local and regional foothold, without a territorial dimension, Europe will be like a tree without land, unable to take root. Condemned to disappear”.

Europe’s regions are on the front line when it comes to implementing EU policies and for Lambertz, now more than ever, as Europe struggles with these difficult challenges, solidarity around territorial cohesion is crucial to delivering the bloc’s ambitions. “The European Union is meaningful only if its members are moving in the same direction in the interests of Europeans, if it frees up the true scope for action and if it is inclusive. Cohesion policy plays a full role in meeting this need for European solidarity. In all its dimensions, economic, social and territorial, it is part and parcel of the EU’s DNA. That is why call- ing cohesion into question, by scaling it back, diluting it, or making it conditional, really makes no sense.” Cohesion funding must be preserved at current levels he argues because it creates jobs and helps build infrastructure as well as playing a decisive role in reducing regional inequal- ity and promoting social inclusion. “A Union without cohesion policy is not the Europe we want”.


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Mme. Corina Creţu

Commissaire européenne

Cohesion policy is first and foremost about people, about improving people’s life. I am therefore happy to see the cohesion alliance set sail with the aim to bring together cities and regions, as well as representatives of Europe’s SMEs, hospitals, schools, and civil society at large. More than ever, Europe and its 500 Million inhabitants need a strong cohesion policy” , said Commissioner Creţu.

Right now, the Commissioner is working on setting up a ‘cohesion alliance’, in close coopération with the Committee of the Regions (CoR), as well as Parliament. The aim, she says, is to encourage cohésion policy beneficiaries to “speak up more loudly about what they gain from cohesion policy. I think it’s very important to say how much this régional policy fund has contributed to improving their lives and wellbeing”.

The alliance, which is being coordinated by the Committee of the Regions, is also a way to “raise awareness about what cohesion policy does”.

A key feature of the cohesion alliance is the Week of European Regions and Cities taking place in early October in Brussels, where “more than 1000 people will come here from lots of different regions and share their experiences and talk about projects on different themes, such as education, health, innovation and low carbon economy, providing big momentum for cohesion policy”.

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M. Loïg Chesnais-Girard

président du Conseil régional de Bretagne

president of the Regional Council of Bretagne

Loïg Chesnais-Girard

How is the Bretagne Region positioned today compared to its French competitors and European (key figures, rankings)?

Loïg Chesnais-Girard. Bretagne is in the average of European Regions, with around 90% of the average GDP. She confronts handicaps mainly related to its geographical position: it is a peninsula, remote from the center of population and decision-making of the continent. This reality is imposed on us, and we often have to exert more effort than other Regions to achieve the same results. However, we are also important assets: a population highly trained, quality of governance at the level of the best European regions and the best of France (ranking the University of Gothenburg QoG), an unemployment rate below a point to the average national, and especially a tradition of openness to the world certainly related to our coastline.

LPPM. You see yourself in the principle of “coopetition” which combines both cooperations with other regions while assuming a competitive situation?

LCG. It is useless to deny the competition between territories. She is constantly between States, between Regions, and even between areas within the same Region, whether we like it or not. However, one quickly realizes that if we limit ourselves to the competition, in the end, everyone is losing because excessive competition results in dumping situations that are detrimental to all. Bretagne gives a great importance to cooperate not only with neighbouring Regions but also with the other Regions of Europe. It is for this that we are also involved in the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR).

In a configuration to 13 metropolitan areas, does the critical size of Bretagne Region assert its strengths and its potential, especially in Europe?

LCG. The concept of the critical size of the Regions makes no sense. In Europe there’s no correlation between the size of the Regions and socio-economic or cultural success. In addition, Britain is already above average European standards with still more than 3.2 million people. On the contrary, I think that if it is not accompanied by a sense of belonging and commitment to joint projects, a large size is actually a handicap. The relevant issue is not the size, but the differentiation: what are the specific assets of a region and what differentiates her from the others? I already have a city with regard to Bretagne. I could add the unique force in France of our agriculture and our agri-food industry, our maritime industries, the uniqueness of our cultural life and our languages, and especially the strength of our identity and our name: almost everyone is Bretagne. This is not the case of all French Regions, far away, and it is a tremendous asset that we must grow.


Recent years have been marked by a series of land reforms to the perimeters, skills or local taxation. Do you see new institutional and territorial developments?

LCG. It would be the Government that should be asking this question. We are pleased rather not have to deal with the consequences of a merger with a neighbouring Region, especially when I see the difficulties of my colleagues who know this situation. Of course, Britain has always claimed for historical and cultural reasons the return of the Loire-Atlantique and Nantes in the perimeter of Bretagne. But the perimeter is secondary to the skills and the means to exercise them. And, there is still work because the situation remains confused. For me, the issue priority is the Division of responsibilities between the State and communities, rather than between the communities themselves. In France, the State has not yet learned all the implications of decentralization, despite 35 years of hindsight, and does not really trust communities. The movement will have to continue in the long term.

What are the key issues and challenges for the Region (demographics, changing the economic, social and territorial balance, energy and ecological transition)?

LCG. Bretagne is obviously facing global challenges affecting all Regions: climate change, the digital revolution, developments in world trade and their consequences are obviously at the forefront. That leads us to follow good initiatives across Europe to inspire us. But of course, Bretagne has specific challenges. Population growth, the asymmetric development of our territories which tends to focus on large cities and the coast, the transformation of our industry towards higher value-added productions.

Can you introduce the concept of ‘ Glaz’art economy ‘ and its articulation with the new regional development strategy?

LCG. George is a breton word: this is a color between blue, green and gray, which reminds the changing color of the sea. It corresponds well to the fundamentals of our economy and the challenges it faces. Blue is the economy of the sea, the Green Earth and the gray of the immaterial. The challenge is to combine all three in a harmonious hue and constantly changing to adapt to a changing environment. It is the Foundation of our development strategy: rely on our natural assets to get back us in question constantly in order to seize the opportunities.

The historical and cultural identity of Bretagne is unique. Is it an asset and how is it taken into account in your strategy?

LCG. As I have already said, it’s a tremendous asset. Breton economic actors have understood by developing products with a strong local presence, including for export. And it works, because this identity gives the little extra something that often makes the difference in international competition. It is a strength because who we are we can open ourselves to others without fear of losing ourselves. This strong and open identity is at the heart of our strategy.

Between ‘local and global’, what is the right balance of your international opening policy?

LCG. We need to cultivate both with the same intensity, that’s our goal. But we soon realize that what it presents as an opposition is actually a synergy. The local aspect is the quality of life, therefore making you feel strong to open up the global. And in turn, this opening to global allows you to develop and improves the quality of life in a local aspect. I think that in reality, the two are inseparable for a sustainable development.



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M. Jean Hamon

Président du Conseil économique, social et environnemental régional de Bretagne

President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Regional Council (CESER) of Bretagne

Jean Hamon

The CESER has no equivalent in other French communities. Can you tell us about its uniqueness and the added value of this body?

Jean Hamon. The CESER is a group of men and women with different backgrounds and perspectives, who work together to cultivate the issues of tomorrow and propose policy options for policy makers. In recent years, I have become accustomed to saying that the CESER is a transition scout. Transition of energy and ecology, digital transformation, new territorial dynamics are part of our most recent work. It is up to us to play collectively to make these transitions an opportunity for Bretagne!

You have recently worked with three other Atlantic CESERs (Normandy, New-Aquitaine and Pays-de-la-Loire) to produce an innovation study on the maritime economy and blue growth. Do you feel that the potential of this sector is underestimated and what recommendations do you recommend?

JH. Yes, it is largely underestimated for a simple reason: blue growth does not stop at the coast! Beyond what happens at sea or in ports, there is a “hidden side” of the maritime economy in many sectors such as food, digital and advanced technologies, materials, health and well-being … all these hybrids between sectors make the sea and marine and coastal resources a formidable engine of regional economic and social development. This is the main message of our work: we need to know more about the richness and diversity of marine and coastal ecosystems, their functioning and the challenges of their preservation, in order to raise awareness of the maritime economy generated by the exploitation of resources and all its potential for development!

You also worked on the consequences and opportunities of Brexit. Why is Brittany particularly concerned by this event?

JH.The United Kingdom is our closest neighbour. And as good neighbours, we have many cultural, commercial, tourist and academic exchanges. Many British residents live in the region, especially in the communes of central Bretagne. An event such as the Brexit is a shockwave for all partners in these exchanges, with consequences for the four fundamental freedoms of movement of people, goods, services and capital. We identified the sectors most likely to be affected in order to alert, anticipate and be able to act collectively and with one voice in this uncertain environment. Where barriers rise, opportunities emerge as well. So, yes, imagine with our neighbours new cooperation frameworks.

You regularly organise “Prospective Forums”. What do you think are the three major issues for the future of Bretagne?

JH. Three forces are written in Bretagne’s history and draws it upwards: openness to the world, particularly by the sea, the quality of life in its territories, and the habit of cooperation, and being strongly anchored in the modes of organisation. As everywhere, deep transitions are at work. But these three forces give Bretagne the ability to succeed in these transitions by leaving no one at the edge of the road.


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The regional economic strategy

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Glaz économie

The regional economic strategy on the horizon for 2020 is founded on the development of excellence chains around the specific strengths of Bretagne. It is based on a momentum of «projects» aimed at engaging Bretagne on the road to a renewed, competitive and job-creating economy.

In the Breton language, «Glaz» refers to a shade of green, blue and gray. Blue evokes the sea and the technological innovations it triggers, like tidal turbines, and eco – the development of agriculture and the preservation of the environment. The gray symbolizes the digital, the new collaborative models; the «silver economy»1, but also refers to the gray matter, the core of innovation. Finally, it is a model of sustainable development, capable of reconciling economic performance, social progress, energy and ecological imperative.


Ten strategic lines

«The Glaz Economy incarnates a common vision of all contributors in the region to move forward, conquer new markets, create added value and jobs,» summarizes Loïg Chesnais-Girard, the new president of the Regional Council of Bretagne. The dynamics aim to accompany ten strategic sectors in order to promote their decompartmentalization, their transformation or their emergence: food, naval, health, digital, tourism, biotechnology, boating and materials, vehicles and mobilities, defense and security, and finally energy transition and renewable marine energies.

Seven areas of innovation

The Glaz Economy also defines seven priority areas of innovation, reflecting the region’s scientific and economic excellence and responding to the future markets: social and civic innovation for an open and creative society; a sustainable development chain for quality food, marine activities for blue growth, technologies for the digital society, health and well-being for a better quality of life, advanced technologies for industrial applications, ecological and energy engineering for the environment.

More than financial support

The Glaz Economy translates to a significant financial effort of the Region and its partners, proposing bank financing and guarantee tools. Innovative enterprise creators can get an honor loan from the PHAR fund in order to consolidate the transition from idea-to-project. The BRIT fund, led by the Deposit Office and the Initiatives France network, is intended to facilitate the takeover of very small companies (TPEs) or small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by strengthening their own funds. Finally, the GOCA fund, which is common to the Greater Western Regions, takes holdings in young technology entities with high development potential. In order to simplify the decision-makers’ approach, the Region has launched the site «», listing all the tools and financing solutions available in Bretagne.

However, the Glaz Economy approach is not limited to a financial support policy. The global approach also requires shared, responsive, and efficient regional governance. It is reflected in particular through the intensification of exchanges through the networks of entrepreneurs, research laboratories and training centers. When an entrepreneur wants to invest in the region, the entrepreneur is invited to meet all the actors in his/her field and the research centers that work on the subject concerned.

1- Silver Economy: economy linked to population aging

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un institut ancré en Bretagne

Created on June 5, 1984, Ifremer is the national research institute dedicated to marine sciences. It relies on its research, observation, monitoring and experimental infrastructures to produce scientific knowledge and know-how on the marine environment, particularly in response to societal issues.



As a public industrial and commercial establishment (EPIC), Ifremer is placed under the joint supervision of the minister in charge of research, the minister in charge of the fisheries and the minister in charge of the environment.

Through a systemic approach, Ifremer participates in the observation of the marine environment at all scales and the understanding of ecosystems, the processes that govern them and the services they offer, in a context of global change.

To this end, it designs and implements marine research and monitoring infrastructures, observation, experimentation and monitoring tools, and manages marine databases. It operates the French oceanographic fleet for the benefit of the entire scientific community.

An international, national and regional strategy

Ifremer contributes to the national and European strategy of research and innovation, by producing fundamental knowledge, by more finalised results in response to questions raised by society and by technological innovations in support of the economic development of the maritime world.
The institute has close links with local authorities, and particularly with the Bretagne region. In the current State-Region Contract Agreement (CPER), Ifremer is concerned:

  • for the field of ocean observation, by contributing to the international Argo floats program and hosting the ERIC Euro-Argo research infrastructure;
  • in the field of coastal environment, by contributing to the development of new networks, regional variation of the ILICO research infrastructure;
  • for digital infrastructures, by financing a set of computer tools dedicated to high-volume marine data and modeling;
  • concerning hydrodynamics, by the evolution of the Ifremer Brest test basin, of a unique depth in Europe (20 m).


Bretagne also contributes to Ifremer’s activities via the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), with the recent example of the renovation of the Thalassa vessel finalised in September 2017 or the acquisition of the seismic equipment needed by the oceanographic fleet.

In addition, with the financial support of the Regional Council of Bretagne and two local authorities of Finistère, in application of a decision of the State, Ifremer has entered a phase of transfer from its head office from Paris to Brest. Ifremer in Bretagne is home to more than 50% of the Institute’s workforce, mainly in the Brest center, as well as in several coastal resorts between Ille-et-Vilaine and Morbihan.



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Mme Stéphanie Gicquel-Bui

Directrice du développement services publics de l’AFPA Bretagne - Pays de la Loire

JGDE. Can you introduce us to AFPA Bretagne and its infrastructure?

Stéphanie GICQUEL-BUI. AFPA, the National Agency for Adult Vocational Training, is today the first vocational training organisation serving public policies and regional economies. The AFPA is a member of the public employment service, especially since January 1, 2017, it left its associative status to become a public institution of an industrial and commercial (EPIC) nature.

Within the public employment service, AFPA plays a key role in supporting economic change by contributing to the orientation and qualification of employment seekers and employees to enable them to access jobs in the territories. The AFPA is particularly committed to serving the most remote seekers from employment possibilities.

Today, the AFPA in Bretagne is just over 480 employees, including 300 trainers, who work in the 9 training centers: Rennes, Saint-Malo, Langueux, Loudéac, Morlaix, Brest, Quimper, Lorient and Auray.

These Centers all offer accommodation and catering facilities for trainees in vocational training, thus facilitating the success of each course.

JGDE. How does the AFPA accompany the community in its missions and development and what are your assets to do so?

SGB. The AFPA is the public vocational training body in the service of public policies and economical development.

In Bretagne, the AFPA’s close collaboration with the Bretagne region allows training to be tailored to the needs of people, in line with the qualifications expected by companies. The mission of the AFPA is to accompany every person it hosts towards a rapid and sustainable integration into employment, responding to the needs of the elected representatives for a balanced development of the Breton countries.

The AFPA’s territorial anchorage, with its 9 training centers, is an essential factor in the success of people, as the proximity of the training center with companies and the social and economic players in its territory a real asset for accompanying effective pathways.

As the main training provider in the Bretagne region, AFPA also works closely with economic players in the region by contributing to the emergence of new professions and new skills, in conjunction with professional sectors and companies. The Bretagne Region is setting up various mechanisms to innovate and to experiment with new training programs.



For example, the Afpa Center in Auray, a national strategic center for boating and maritime activities, is active in Bretagne for the development of maritime employment and contributes to blue growth. It is both a space for training, but also for experimentation and engineering for the development of maritime skills.

Similarly, the Afpa supports the development of «very high-speed» participation regarding the service of the Breton economy in the training of employees of companies that deploy fiber optics in Bretagne.

The Afpa Center in Rennes, a leader in the specialty of communication networks, has developed together with companies involved in the deployment of fiber optics in Bretagne (MEGALIS program), engineering and training adapted to the needs of companies.

With the financial support of the Bretagne Region, Pôle Emploi (unemployment division) and OPCA (Constructys and FAFTT), Afpa has set up a mobile training system to train communication networks in the vicinity of construction sites and people (Lorient, Brest, Morlaix, etc.

Some key figures

In 2016, the Afpa welcomed 11,295 trainees in Bretagne, including 6,260 job seekers

  • 5,035 employees
  • 1,769 youth
  • 3,762 seniors
  • 3,614 women

85% obtained the qualification referred to 73% of trainees found a job within 6 months of completing their training


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une énergie qui coule à flots

For a decade, the Bretagne Region has invested heavily in renewable marine energies (EMR), a growing industrial sector.

2,730 km of coastline (of the 5,000 km in France), powerful currents, constant winds, the biggest tides in Europe … Bretagne has an exceptional means to test, experiment and exploit renewable marine energies. The Region is concentrating its efforts on floating wind turbines and hydro turbines (energy from underwater currents through tidal turbines), but do not forget the small tidal turbine, the estuarine hydro turbines, the waves (wave energy) or the thalassothermy (which uses heat stored in surface waters).

The use of EMRs targets at increasing and diversifying the electricity sources of an area that still produces only 15% of its needs. Its main source of supply comes from the Rance tidal power plant (240 MW of power) in service since 1966.

The objective of the Pact Electric Breton, signed in 2010, was aimed at the installation of 3,600 MW of renewable energies by 2020, of which 1,250 MW will come from EMR alone.

Serious advantages

The development of EMRs represents an opportunity to create industrial employment through the emergence of a new industrial sector. To achieve this, Bretagne has serious advantages. The network of competent Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) covers the whole production chain of the EMRs. Its industrial fabric has a long experience from the naval, boating and offshore sectors (oil and gas). The Region has put in place a training tool for initial and lifelong education. Finally, it has the highest concentration of marine science and technology researchers in France. In 2016, a new regional roadmap was endorsed to further promote the development of EMRs. The objective now is to have 2.5 GW installed by 2030 and 3.84 GW by 2050. Bretagne already has four pilot farms, two test sites and two different production parks for different EMR technologies.


Port modernization

The development of the sector also requires adequate and adapted port infrastructure. A major modernization program has been launched to renovate the ports of Lorient and Saint-Malo. The region is also investing €220 million in the port of Brest, which it owns, to build a 36 ha polder designed mainly to host activities (storage, assembly, etc.) related to renewable marine energies (EMR). The Quimper society Sabella is considering the installation of a site for the assembly of hydro-turbines from the end of 2017, in order to produce between 30 and 50 machines on a yearly basis.

In the meantime, a large number of projects are emerging throughout the Breton coast. Offshore from Paimpol-Bréhat, the demonstration site of hydro turbines developed by Openhydro and DCNS allowed for the validation of the 2nd generation prototypes. With a power of 2 MW each, these machines, 16 m in diameter, immersed in 40 m in depth, were successfully connected to the terrestrial electrical network. Off the coast of Audierne, the WATTMOR project aims to test three waves on the plateau of Penhors. In the bay of Saint-Brieuc, a park of 62 installed wind turbines is carried by the consortium, Ailes Marine. With a total power of 496 MW, it should produce the equivalent of the electricity consumption of 850,000 inhabitants starting from 2020. In Groix, Eolfi is carrying out a pilot farm project for four floating wind turbines of 6 MW each before a four-year commercialization…



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M. Christophe Chabert

directeur du développement grand Ouest chez Eolfi

JGDE. You are Development Manager West for EOLFI, can you present us the company, your national and international positioning, your development sites?

EOLFI is a French SME, developer in the wind and solar energy since 2004. From 2011, its discerned in floating wind a real opportunity to meet the energy challenges of the planet. This emerging technology will enable the development of offshore wind at depths greater than 50 m and thus increase the number of accessible areas for offshore wind. It will be possible to install future parks further offshore, with stronger winds and reduced use stakes. Eolfi focused on two countries particularly concerned by this new technology: France and Taiwan.

JGDE. What are the challenges of marine wind power in France and internationally?

More than 70% of the planet is covered by oceans and more than 70% of the world’s population lives close to the coast. The sea will play a major role in tomorrow’s climate challenges and meet the obligations of the COP 21. At sea, the wind is stronger, more stable, more frequent and more predictable. Fundamental advantages to anchor this intermittent energy in a logic of energy transition. France is late. Where northern European countries already install dozens of wind turbines each year, France will install its first commercial park by 2020.

Aware of this delay, France has begun a turning point in recent years to simplify its administrative procedures and accelerate the development of floating wind. With the deep Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic continental shelf in Bretagne, this technology is particularly well adapted to the French coast. Four pilot farms, consisting of 3 to 4 machines were selected during a call for open bid tenders of the French state in 2016 with an investment support of 300M €. They must be installed in 2021 and will allow France to realize its major role in this development.


JGDE. The pilot farm of Groix & Belle-Ile, a concerted project supported by communities and citizens. Bretagne is an obvious choice and what are the commercial prospects?

The Groix & Belle-Ile project is fully in line with this dynamic. Since 2008, the region has found in floating wind a real opportunity to get out of its energy dependence linked to its peninsular geographical location. The coasts of Bretagne fall rapidly to depths greater than 50 m.

The Groix & Belle-Ile site has ocean environmental conditions corresponding to 80% of the world market. Its balanced and concerted location makes it possible to limit impacts on the various uses, fishing, of course, but also maritime traffic and military activities. It is also located outside the environmental protection zones.

The next step is to install three commercial parks by 500 to 600 MW before 2030. Two huge potential areas were identified by the region last April, one in the north and one in the south, further offshore than the pilot farm. This very proactive advancement of the region, within a forum of discussion, the CRML, must lead to a first tender dedicated to the wind turbine in 2018, essential deadline to avoid a big gap between the pilot farm and the industrial suite.




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Fiabiliser le réseau en le rendant « intelligent »

As a public utility, the electricity distribution system operator, Enedis Bretagne, is assisting the territories in the rise of renewable electricity and smart grids.

Interview with Bernard Laurans, Director of Enedis Bretagne

JGDE. What are the main missions and competences of Enedis Bretagne?

Enedis is responsible for maintaining, developing and operating the 104,000 km of low and high voltage electricity network1 in Bretagne, making it one of the longest in France. It makes the network available to users, whether they are customers, producers or suppliers of electricity. It also has expertise in project management to define the necessary work on its equipment (troubleshooting, maintenance, etc.). The goal is to make the network as robust as possible in the face of climatic hasards (wind). Enedis invests between 180 to 200 million euros a year, making it an important economic player in the region.

JGDE. What is Enedis Bretagne’s policy to accompany local authorities?

With 1,700 agents present in some thirty sites, Enedis Bretagne has been able to establish a close relationship with the territories. We support the Breton Electric Pact launched in 2010 by the Region as part of the energy transition. Our objective was to strengthen the distribution network, in order to overcome the lack of local production². Since then, 1,500 MW of renewable energy (REN) power from 20,000 electricity producers (mostly from wind and photovoltaics) have been connected to the grid. REN now accounts for 14% of regional production, with a share of self-consumption that is expected to increase rapidly. The network is ready to meet the 30% target for renewable electricity.

Enedis supports the accelerated deployment of Linky communicating meters, which enable customers to determine their actual consumption. By the end of 2017, one third of Breton households, compared with less than 20% nationally, will be equipped. The data collected will also provide useful information for the Region’s energy policy.

Finally, the company is asked to set up and control the charging stations of electric vehicles so that the power calls they generate do not impair the proper functioning of the network.


JGDE. Enedis Bretagne is at the forefront of innovation. What are the most emblematic projects?

The company is the operational pilot of SOLENN (SOLidarité ENergie iNnovation), a demonstrator of smart grids on Lorient Agglomeration. Thanks to a detailed knowledge of their consumption, 1,000 voluntary households participate in pedagogical actions of control of the electrical demand. They are also encouraged to reduce their consumption during periods of crisis on the network or by weak production to avoid power outages. The promising lessons learned from SOLENN should then be generalised throughout the country.

Enedis also participates in the SMILE project (SMart Ideas to Link Energies), a call for projects co-managed by the Bretagne and Pays de la Loire regions. The idea is to concentrate on four departments (including Ille-et-Vilaine and Morbihan), all the technologies linked downstream and upstream to the intelligent electricity grid, with the development of ENR and the mobility. It is a matter of creating with the partners involved in SMILE (communities, industrialists, research laboratories, etc.) a showcase of the industrial know-how in smart grids.


1- HTA: high voltage A (20,000 volts) BT: low voltage (400 volts / 230 volts).
2- Bretagne produces about 15% of its consumption.

Key figures for Enedis in Bretagne

  • 2 million customers
  • 20,800 new customers (2016)
  • 20,000 local renewable energy producers connected to the distribution network
  • 104,000 km of network (47,000 km medium voltage and 57,000 km low voltage)
  • 138 substations
  • 600,000 Linky meters installed (end of September 2017)
  • 180 million in network investments in 2017 (connection of new customers and network improvements)
  • 1,700 employees
  • 70 apprentices
  • Enedis is present on 30 sites in Bretagne


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les lignes de force bretonnes

Breton lines of strength

Bretagne has built its economy around its agri-food production, its defense and security industry, and more recently its digital sector. The arrival of the TGV in Rennes should further favour the weight of these three sectors.

In July 2017, the high-speed line (LGV) Paris – Bretagne Pays de la Loire was commissioned. As a result of a €3.4 billion investment, this 182 km extension of the Paris-Le Mans LGV now puts Rennes at 1:25 of the capital. From 15,000 to 30,000 passengers a day should use the 30 available round trips to Ile de France. The impact of the new line is also positive on regional and inter-regional routes. More regional trains (TER) and freight will be able to circulate on the classic line Le Mans-Rennes. Finally, it is also planned to improve the service route of the Breton point to bring Brest and Quimper to 3 hours from Paris.



Bretagne, the leading French breeding region, supplies 22% of the country’s milk production, 58% of pork and poultry, and 15% of that of beef. The 22 fishing ports also account for more than half of the national tonnage of fish and seafood. Bretagne is finally the first agri-food region in Europe, with more than 160,000 jobs and a turnover of more than 20 billion euros. While some areas of the sector may suffer from international competition, most have remarkable adaptability. In particular, we are seeing the rise of the organic sector. The cultivation of algae, still marginal, and their applications as materials should also constitute new prospects.

Defense and Security

Bretagne has long been a major component of the French defense and security sector. More than 500 local actors have a total or partial activity in connection with the defense sector: national navy, DGA (Directorate General of Armaments), large companies (DCNS, Thalès), high-tech SMEs … The region also benefits from the presence of large military schools, training centers, research units, clusters and competitiveness clusters involved in defense technologies.

The share of defense in the naval sector represents 2/3 of the turnover and 3/4 of the 12,000 jobs in the sector. Besides Lorient, it is mainly present in the Brest harbour, where the nuclear submarines and the fleet of the Atlantic are based. Defense electronics is located in Rennes, Brest and Lannion. The defense and security sector also relies on a very important digital ecosystem, which has allowed the emergence of a cyber defense center on the Rennes basin.


As a historic cradle of telecommunications, Bretagne has a digital network that is one of the most important in Europe. The region is a global benchmark for 3D images, fixed and mobile networks, and the Internet of the future. With a 10% annual growth over the last 20 years, digital technology now accounts for 15% of regional GDP and employs 40,000 people in 2,700 establishments. It is supported by a dense network of specialised research centers: CNET in Lannion, major universities in Rennes or Brest, technopoles (Rennes Atalante, Anticipa …).

The worldwide competitiveness cluster Images & Networks, created in 2005, has also become a major player in the sector. Finally, the implementation of the program «Bretagne Very High-speed», driven by the Region aims to bring optical fiber to 100% of Breton households by 2030. An important decision for balanced land use planning.


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M. Jean-Pierre FARANDOU

Président de Keolis

Jean-Pierre FARANDOU

JGDE. You’re the president of Keolis, can you introduce us to your group and its objectives?

Keolis is one of the world leaders in everyday mobility. Operating in 16 countries, the Group operates and maintains urban, peri-urban and interurban networks.

Keolis operates a total of about ten different modes of transport and exports its know-how in multimodality around the world. Our group also diversified its activities by creating Keolis Santé, therefore becoming the leading health transport operator in France. We are convinced of the development of this particular segment of mobility in the context of an aging population and rationalisation of hospital spending.

The mobility of daily life is a key factor in the attractiveness and vitality of cities and territories. Keolis is more than ever at the core of its business, considering that mobility will be more and more connected, autonomous, shared and electric.

JGDE. What are the accompaniments, services and innovations implemented in the territories?

In keeping with the logic of partnership with the organising authorities, Keolis is present on all segments of the mobility chain and proposes to the communities tailor-made solutions adapted to each type of traveler and taking advantage of the complementarity between modes. Taking full account of the economic constraints of the organising authorities and the specific nature of each territory, we are developing efficient offerings, combined with a control of operating costs and a proactive attitude to develop commercial revenues, find new customers and keep them coming back.

In recent years, mobility has become increasingly digital, with easy access to transport information, enabling passengers to compare solutions, make decisions as late as possible and reserve the service of their choice. At the same time, the evolution of technologies has allowed for the development of new forms of mobility in the sharing economy, such as car-sharing, self-sharing or self-service cycling; the development of flexible transport such as on-demand transport or VTC, as well as the emergence of standalone vehicles. At the same time, environmental imperatives are firmly committing public transport to the energy transition path.

In all circumstances, we ensure that we enter into a partnership relationship with the organising authorities, based on listening, transparency and the strength of proposals.


JGDE. Your establishment in Bretagne is important, can you give us some of your references?

Historically present in Bretagne, where Keolis employs more than 2,300 employees, we have a strong presence in the urban areas where we operate the Brest, Lorient, Morlaix, Quimper, Saint-Malo and Rennes networks on behalf of the organising authorities. We operate all modes of transport: automatic metro, tram, high-service bus, urban cable car, maritime shuttle, self-service bike, etc.

Keolis is also a partner of the Region through the operation of Rennes / Mont Saint-Michel and Rennes / Pontivy and the Ilenoo network. Kisio, the Keolis solutions and services subsidiary, has also developed the Region’s BreishGo multimodal information system, which enables it to calculate its door-to-door route. This innovative solution takes into account all modes of public transport (bus, metro, tram, buses, TER, TGV, sea and air links) and offers routes combining public transport with walking, cycling and car, with additional information on rates, parking lots, and devices for people with reduced mobility, etc.


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M. Hugues Meili

président de Bretagne Développement Innovation

JGDE. Bretagne Development Innovation (BDI) is a regional agency for economic development and innovation. Can you be specific about BDI’s rôle and its mission?

Hugues Meili. BDI ensures the accelerated implementation of the strategic axes of economic development and innovation in enterprises, decided by the regional executive and its president. At the same time, we update the elected representatives on the trends concerning main regional economic sectors and on the transformation of these sectors through technological innovation use.

JGDE. BDI presents a specificity: its board of directors is composed solely of company directors. Why this choice?

HM. Deploying this strategy at the heart of the Breton economic fabric presupposes that it’s as close as possible to the trades, markets, concerns, expectations and potential difficulties that characterise it and that rhythm of the companies’ daily life of enterprises. This allows to implement concrete projects adapted to circumstances and priorities. A management board composed of business leaders from the four departments of Bretagne, representing industrial activities and service, leading companies of various sizes and anteriority variables, guarantees better inspiration of our debates and our actions.

JGDE. You yourself come from the enterprise world, and you run a digital service enterprise. Therefore, you are ideally situated to observe and accompany the digital transition of enterprises. What view do you have of this revolution and, even further, on the actual economic transformation?

HM. I am in fact running Niji Society, which is at the heart of the digital transformation of enterprises by combining the consulting services in digital strategy, service design, interactions and digital interfaces, and realization of technological solutions. This represents nearly 600 people serving approximately 250 customers for more than 15 years.

Digital concerns every enterprise, no matter what size they are, their sector of activity or their governance. Nobody can escape it and its impact always shows at three levels: strategy, commerce, and the organisation.

While large groups have already begun their digital transformation since several years, smaller businesses are often left behind due to lower exposure to the world, insufficient bandwidth, and limited investment capacity. In Bretagne, the digital transition has had consequential delays.

JGDE. In this context, why is the opening of International and European territories necessary to favour the development of enterprises and employment?

HM. Diversity is a source of wealth! All the economic sectors and regions of the world are affected by these powerful waves of change that drive companies and higher education sectors to reshuffle their cards. The uses carried by the most diverse populations dictate many changes. Placing them at the heart of reflections and approaches to the design and implementation of products and services is an ongoing challenge: this is what is called «design».

JGDE. Is it for this that BDI’s commits as heavily as it does in carrying the Bretagne brand?

HM. The Bretagne brand carries in its codes key values associated with the men and women of the territory, its businesses, its associations and organizations of all kinds, tourism in particular. It is a brand that is not difficult to wear or promote because Bretagne is simply a mark in itself, easily identifiable and intelligible. Nearly 800 actors have chosen to endorse it, to mix its colors with theirs and to make it shine. It’s therefore closely linked to economic development and innovation.

JGDE. The Bretagne LGV is now a reality. How can the territory collect all its fruits and what is the meaning of the «Go West» campaign that you support?

HM. The LGV is a high-speed rail line that is a fluid and fast link between Bretagne and Paris. It must not be seen only as allowing the Bretons to «get to the capital», or tourists to come and discover our landscapes and our quality of life. It must also inspire decision-makers to «relocate» to Bretagne. Entire sections of their teams are at the heart of their always evolving challenges, for example, in the digital world. They will find in Bretagne a rich and varied form of training and expertise, and a real quality of life, while remaining connected to the decision-making centers in Ile-de-France. The «Go West» campaign clearly shows a territorial economic marketing dimension, and it’s normal for BDI to be a major source of support.


JGDE. You defend the mixing of sectors of excellence. Could you explain to us what that it consists of?

HM. Sociological and technological changes open up the territories, people and traditional economic sectors that have been until now organized as large, tight silos. And major societal and environmental causes, such as ecological and energy transitions, create common challenges. As a result, the automotive, railway and public transport networks are evolving towards new mobilities that require digital technology, embarking on new clean electrical engines and new technologies for energy storage or electric recharging connected.

Similarly, advances in lighter, more flexible or resilient materials in the offshore racing and racing world are fueling the worlds of automotive and aerospace.
The contribution of digital technology to agriculture is decisive: it promotes agriculture that’s eco-responsible, precise, traceable, with origins of production with a strong qualitative dimension and a real potential for monetization.

This is also the case in the agri-food sector, on the industrial side of manufacturing, packaging, and shipping, as well as commercial marketing and distribution.

JGDE. European news is in part dominated by Brexit. How do you analyze the impact on Bretagne?

HM. While respecting the decision taken by referendum, Brexit is bad news for the British people and for the economy because it risks gradually isolating them from the world at a time when cultural mixing, cross-functional use and composite economic models take the top … Some Breton companies could be negatively impacted by less mobility of goods and people, but I believe above all an opportunity for Bretagne to enhance its geographical proximity and «territorial morphology» with the … Great Britain! It’s up to us to extend these historical tourist and cultural proximities to higher education and economy, research and development, and innovation. This is part of BDI’s regional strategy for an already-accelerating economic development and business innovation.


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M. Pierre Karleskind


JGDE. You are the President of TECHNOPOLE BREST IROISE can you present us your association (its history, its composition, your mission)?

Pierre Karleskind. Everything is part of the will to diversify our economy by relying on its specificities, especially in the field of the sea. A will based on the certainty that by creating a space of meetings between researchers and entrepreneurs, by opening the horizons of each one on those of the other, then synergies would be born. It was at the end of the 1980s. Combining support for innovative projects, the meeting of local scientific and economic actors, and the promotion, in France and around the world, of Brest’s competences, the technopolitan approach helped to build a solid building, recognised in the world for the excellence that develops there, and that proves daily the relevance of its action, scientifically and economically speaking.

JGDE. Why was the CAMPUS MONDIAL DE LA MER Group created? What are the issues and motivation of this approach?

PK. The community of marine science and technology at the tip of Bretgane is in the top 10 worldwide. Whether in terms of numbers of researchers, scientific equipment, radiation or scientific production. Our ambition is to make it one of the first places. The economic stakes for our territory are therefore considerable. The concept of «World Campus of the Sea» is carried by the certainty shared by all the actors, that together we can do better than the simple sum of our individualities.

JGDE. Can you illustrate with some concrete actions already implemented?

PK. Sea Tech Week, Marine Science and Technology Week, brings together more than a thousand participants every 2 years in Brest, including many international partners. Its organization is operated by Brest Métropole and is based on a collaborative approach of the entire ecosystem. The next edition will be held from 8 to 12 October 2018 on the theme of Marine Bioresources.

For two years we have been organizing an Ocean Hackathon, a 48-hour non-stop event. The objective is to bring out new uses of the digital data provided by the actors of the World Campus of the Sea. The projects resulting from these 48 hours can then be accompanied in their development by the local innovation ecosystem.



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M. Vincent Marcatté

président de l’Institut de Recherche Technologique b<>com

JGDE. You are the President of the Technology Research Institute b<>com. What are the specificities of this Institute?

Vincent Marcatté. b<>com is an Institute for Technological Research (IRT), a unique model that allows private actors, large and small, and academic actors to work together in the same place. We are located on a 6,000 m² campus in Rennes but also in Brest, Lannion and Paris.

It is based on the pooling of human, financial and technical resources to move faster and farther together on the basis of a vision and strategy co-built to maximise knowledge development, economic and the associated income. An IRT is also based on a public-private partnership where everyone, the State and local authorities like the industrial members, share the risks and contributes to the leverage effect.

b<>com is unique in France because it is the only IRT to address the essential subjects for the digital transformation of society: networks and security (5G, Internet of Things, etc.), immersion and interaction with content (virtual reality (VR), augmented reality, artificial intelligence, etc.) or e-health (connected surgery or augmented surgery).

It is also a great tool of excellence, influence and attractiveness for the Bretagne region thanks to our global visibility.

JGDE. You are also Director of Open Innovation at Orange Labs. What is the value of b<>com compared to what an R&D department could develop alone in a private enterprise?

VM. b<>com represents the best of collective intelligence. It attracts talents with diverse profiles and experiences from academic organisations, startups, small and medium-sized companies or large groups, enabling b<>com to invent and develop technologies «out of the box» that Orange would not have been able to achieve on its own.

b<>com is also agile, fast and knows how to align suitable means to take a place in the global competition. This mode of operation for a start-up makes it possible to be efficient for research and innovation advances.

JGDE. In your sector of activity, are there any European collaborations on an international level competition that is above all an area of constructive competition?

VM. This is called «co-opt». It is both cooperation and a competition. Working together internationally is a must in order to prepare for future 5G standards, immersive video and audio, and medical data exchange.

b<>com is now a recognised player in the European projects of the H2020 program and we have partnerships with the world’s largest research centers, starting with the famous German Fraunhofer.

Then it is up to each of us to be subtle and skilled in order to maximise the value of our assets at the international level in order to develop and measure the economic impact.

JGDE. Can you give us examples of success stories or symbolic achievements developed by b<>com?

VM. b<>com received the Technology Innovation Award at the NAB in Las Vegas this year. It is the equivalent of the ESC for the professional world and the fact that a player as recent on the world stage is recognised by an American professional association is the indisputable proof of our excellence. Thanks to award-winning video technologies, we have had the opportunity to discuss with a great many new players, and there will be very concrete results. Some are already used by the Breton startup BBright to enrich its products.

b<>com also has a unique 5G platform which allows the development of the new network at European level: this also differentiates us on the world map. In the field of health, we are the technological partner for the multimedia of a project carried out by the IHU of Strasbourg which aims to invent a surgery room of the future centered around the image.

JGDE. What do you see as areas of high development potential?

VM. It’s not surprising to you when talking about technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G, the Internet of Things, virtual reality or augmented reality. For each of these technologies, we define a strategy to maximise the impact on market sectors such as health, the industry of the future, entertainment …

JGDE. Obviously, there is much talk about digital transition. What are Bretagne’s assets to make this transition?

VM. Bretagne combines both a strong expertise in digital technologies and strong market sectors such as the blue economy, agriculture and agri-food, transport, health, renewable energies … This meeting of digital and market sectors are eminently conducive to a successful digital transition. Also of note is the willingness of the actors of the various sectors and the political actors to work together. Bretagne also has the Images & Réseaux competitiveness cluster that is able to facilitate this digital transformation that is impossible to circumvent.

JGDE. How would you describe the Internet of the future?

VM. The Internet of the future is that of an ambient connectivity that allows everyone to be connected wherever he is and to have access to what he wants without worrying about technology. It’s a human-centered Internet.


JGDE. You also preside over the competitiveness cluster Images & Réseaux, how does this cluster articulate with the Institute b<>com?

VM. Images & Réseaux is an animator and ecosystem developer that wants to be as broad as possible to embark the entire Breton economy into the digital transformation. To this end, it works with other regional economic development centers and structures by facilitating access to R&D projects adapted to their individual needs. b<>com is a research center that has its own technological and business roadmap and is one of the key players in the Images & Réseaux ecosystem. Their roles are complementary and both contribute to the influence and attractiveness of Bretagne.


Institut B-COM
ZAC des Champs Blancs
1219 avenue Champs Blancs 35510 Cesson-Sévigné, France


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M. Gérard Le Bihan

directeur général du pôle Images & Réseaux

JGDE. You manage the competitiveness cluster Images & Networks. Can you remind us what a competitiveness cluster is and what is the specificity of yours?

Gérard Le Bihan. The main objective of the clusters since 2005 is the economic development of a territory (Bretagne and Pays de la Loire) on a given theme (digital and its uses) through enhanced collaboration between industrial players (large groups and SMEs) and academic (public laboratories and schools / universities). We are a catalyst for this collaboration through our collaborative R&D projects, as well as support towards the product plant in subsidiarity with other structures.

JGDE. You have identified six areas of excellence, can you present them to us?

GLB. We have deliberately chosen areas that highlight our expertise on major digital technologies. Our territory, particularly Bretagne (2/3 of our members), is fortunate to have in all these fields of world-class industrial and academic forces. Whether on the «Networks and Internet of objects» (with the 5G, the optics of connected objects), «Multimedia and Big Data» (new formats of images and sound, artificial intelligence), «confidence digital reality «(Cyber security),» mixed realities «(virtual reality / augmented reality …),» software «(information systems, embedded systems, tools; we have research teams and we have added a more «disruptive» dimension to the «collaborative producer user», in anticipation of the arrival of collaborative platforms that upset the economic models. In the objective of the product factory and our vision of a digital society, we work in 4 priority, but non-exclusive markets in relation to the regional S3: intelligent home and building / smart housing, e-health, e-education.

JGDE. The cluster has an Agenda 21 and a Sustainable Development steering committee. What does this approach bring?

GLB. Our Sustainable Development reflection allowed us to work on the dimension of R&D projects with consideration of labeling criteria. Real innovations have emerged as projects around green software with the creation of startups. On the societal dimension, we have been able to fuel strategic thinking (for example, our priority markets). Smart Grids, a case in which digital technologies have been used, have become a focal point: involvement in the interpole «Smart Grid French Cluster» (which I have chaired for 2 years) and above all, a presence in the project strategic SMILE which makes our regions the spearhead of the deployments in full size of the French solutions SG. For the cluster, in addition to the recognition of competencies, it is an axis of development and an affirmation of a societal commitment. On the HR dimension, we have contributed to the setting up of NUMERIFEMMES in Bretagne, which aims to strengthen the position of women in the digital business and contribute to the training of women in the digitisation of their professions.

JGDE. The international dimension is not forgotten and you regularly relay calls for projects to trigger European funding. Do you offer specific support tools?

GLB. Our involvement in technology platforms on content (NEM) or on networks (networld2020) allows us to influence future calls for projects. Together with the other Breton clusters, a specific action to accompany SMEs towards European projects, «Growth in Europe» carried out by the technopoles, was launched in 2016 to raise awareness and prepare them for the Horizon 2020 program. Finally, we regularly label European projects and provide all necessary assistance for their construction.


JGDE. You go further by encouraging the opening to the international and export. What are your actions in this area?

GLB. We rely on our relationships with clusters in Europe and around the world and on support structures such as Bretagne Commerce International, which organises regional missions. The digital departments define with Business France and the DGE an annual plan of missions open to our members. Our 2 international clubs a year allow us to make the point on markets / technologies on regions of the world like this year the smart cities in Asia.
We also have international cooperation projects with B2B objectives such as ACTONS with Quebec (digital cross / health).

JGDE. Images & Network has an «International» club and an «Economic Development» club. Who can join and what services do you offer?

GLB. All our members are de facto members of these clubs. They also participate in the support structures (for example, for international players such as BCI or the French Counselors for Foreign Trade). This club is a place of exchange and information on the markets. For the economic development club, we associate «partners», support firms validated by our SME administrators and technopoles, which, through a premium offer for our members, help them in their development.

JGDE. Can you show us some success stories from the center?

GLB. There’s of course a lot to start with the 21 startups from more than 260 completed projects. I would cite Télécom Santé which has known through its membership, benefit from a full range of services of the cluster: collaborative projects «SMEs», access to the public markets of the club «dev eco», Pass French Tech in 2015 renewed in 2016. Other example of a Breton ETI, MVG, which has developed diversification towards 4G terminals for ships through an FUI project. In the field of media processing, the 4EVER project which has advanced international standards in the field of image coding.

JGDE. The cluster is the operator of the Grand Ouest for French Tech. What is it all about?

GLB. We operate this Pass for the 7 French Tech of the territory to identify and support hyper-growth companies in the sectors of the digital or the industry of premium way to the services of 5 public partners of the device. I & R organises the selection of SMEs with a jury of experts and helps to develop a one-year action plan with the partners to allow startups / SMEs to further boost their dynamics.


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Crédit Mutuel Arkéa

M. Ronan Le Moal, Directeur général du groupe Crédit mutuel Arkéa

JGDE. You are the Managing Director of Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, can you introduce us to your group?

Ronan Le Moal. Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, a Crédit Mutuel (Bretagne, South-West and Massif Central) federation, and thirty specialised subsidiaries, is listed in the Top 40 of European banks. Born in Bretagne, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa maintains its main decision-making centers, with more than 6,200 jobs (out of a total of 9,000). This territorial anchorage – a true trademark – did not slow down our development. The group is today a very diversified group and continues to open up new businesses and markets. He has thus become one of the leaders of online banking in Europe, with Fortuneo and Keytrade Bank. Monext, our electronic payments subsidiary, processes more than two billion transactions per year in 26 countries.

JGDE. What are the key factors in your strategy?

RLM. Crédit Mutuel Arkéa relies on its agility and technological strength to seize opportunities arising from the transformation of its environment and consumption patterns. In addition to our retail banking activities, we are strengthening our white label banking activities for other financial institutions and distribution companies (RCI Bank, Allianz, etc.). We are also continuing our strategic partnerships with the Fintechs, which allow us to extend our range of services and provide the best response to our customers’ expectations.

JGDE. Can you come back to your partnership with the French Tech Brest +?

RLM. We want to co-build an innovation ecosystem by involving all of our stakeholders. We are, for example, partners of France Digitale, the benchmark association for the digital economy, and the West Web Valley that broods the digital nuggets of western France. The French Tech Brest +, of which I preside, plays the role of accelerator by providing the startups with resources essential to their growth. It helps to create a climate of trust, to favor the «network effect» by bringing together large groups and startups, while enhancing the use of digital technology.

JGDE. What are your future projects in the territories and new technologies?

RLM. We wish to remain a reference point for the actors of the development of the territories via in particular our capital-investment schemes for the regional companies as well as our thematic investments in the social innovation or the sector Sea, in a step of sustainable and responsible development. It is essential to preserve decision-making centers and employment pools in the regions. As for the technology, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa feeds the legitimate ambition to play the precursors, to be a model to follow by privileging the innovation which brings a real added value to its 4.1 million customers, in terms of accessibility, simplicity, security and quality of service.


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M. Yvon Peurou

président du pôle de compétitivité ID4CAR

JGDE. You are the president of the ID4CAR competitiveness hub dedicated to R&D in the automotive sector and mobility services. What are its missions?

Yvon Peurou. Founded more than 10 years ago, iD4CAR aims to stimulate and strengthen competitivity of players in the vehicle and mobility markets located in Bretagne and in the Pays de la Loire. The two regions, together with the French Government, have been strong partners who believe in our strategy. This is how we can offer our 320 members a service offering based on innovation, markets and industrial performance.

In concrete terms, we help our members to establish their strategy, structure their R&D projects, identify financing and establish technological partnerships. 140 projects have already been completed, representing an R&D investment of more than €310 million.

We also help them to identify and activate business opportunities. We present market trends, ensure B2B connections and organise export missions. For example, over the last 3 years, the majority of our SME members have increased their turnover by 20% to 80%!

Finally, we support the modernization of production tools and the pooling of HR skills and purchasing.

JGDE. The automotive industry is present in other territories, in France and abroad. What characterizes the Great West?

YP. What is remarkable is its heterogeneity and vitality. There are also major manufacturers and about thirty OEMs, but we also benefit from the presence of specific vehicle manufacturers: emergency vehicles, caravanning, bodybuilders, armored vehicles … We also have more than 100 equipment suppliers, and the territory positions itself as the leading producer and user of rolling stock at the national level.

Concerning mobility services, the great west enjoys historical expertise in telecom technologies and an early investment in connected objects. This technological combination, coupled with the capacity of our territories to carry out experiments, is an axis of excellence and above all a strategic one.

JGDE. Which areas of strategic activities do you cover?

YP. We cover four strategic areas of activity that are representative of our stakeholder communities and provide collective solutions to cross-cutting issues: the «materials of vehicles», capable of responding to the stakes of lightening, eco-design, …

  • «Embedded systems», to develop new electrical and electronic architectures, vehicle interfaces, control and safety functionalities;
  • «Vehicles, uses and industrialisation», to create new vehicle architectures, innovative modules and designing future plants;
  • «ICT for mobility», to improve and secure infrastructures, deploy energy solutions and optimise travel.

JGDE. Do you have some examples of successful projects?

YP. Yes of course! Even if that does not allow us to have a complete picture of the dynamism of our 320 members. I can cite, for example, a project carried out by Autocruise, based near Brest, to develop high-performance radar systems and applications to assist driving vehicles. Today, 350,000 radars from these developments are in service, with a turnover of €30 million in 2017, and the production capacity is expected to triple by 2020.

On the other hand, I can also mention a project to lighten vehicles with composite materials and draping robots. It enabled Coriolis Composites – originally specialised in aeronautics – to penetrate the automotive market, to form partnerships with major manufacturers and to open up internationally.


JGDE. You are therefore not involved only in projects relating to vehicles themselves, but also in projects related to mobility services. How do you see the evolution of this market?

YP. The advent of NICTs or geolocation has led to the emergence of an economy where it is possible to propose and develop services: free seats for a journey, availability of an unused vehicle, payload in a truck … information around mobility also increases with the calculation of itineraries, the location of parking places, the availability of charging stations, the accessibility of personalities with reduced mobility or the optimisation of the routes of travel logistics. This trend will be reinforced in the medium term with the introduction of several technological breakthroughs, such as the autonomous vehicle or the intelligent and connected infrastructure.

JGDE. You also work on the plant of the future. How do you imagine it?

YP. The performance of the industrial tool is a powerful competitiveness lever. With the companies and academics of the territory, we want to meet the traditional constraints of the automotive industry (high throughput, high-service rates, very low unit costs) while taking into account market developments (personalisation, materials and reduction of CO² emissions). It is in this spirit that the EXELCAR industrial innovation platform was created at the instigation of ID4CAR, near the PSA Rennes plant.

On the other hand, connectivity and big data make it possible to optimise the efficiency of machines, the augmented reality to improve the training of operators, robotics to implement complex processes, additive manufacturing to create prototypes and small series, etc. A pilot plant in Bretagne already uses these technologies and will soon give us first lessons. Ultimately, it is the entire regional chain that will be able to transfer to the 4.0 plant, which will be agile, respectful, efficient and create jobs.


JGDE. You have been awarded the Gold label by the European Cluster Excellence Initiative. What are your European and international actions?

YP. We relay calls for projects, participate in working groups with the European Commission, liaise with the representative associations in Brussels and follow the evolution of the framework programs.

With Business France and the other French automotive divisions, we organise missions to develop technological partnerships. We also offer our members business missions and business meetings in international trade fairs and congresses (ITS, Electric Vehicles, MOVIN’ON). Finally, we promote the territory to attract investors and partners.

JGDE. You are also involved in the European Horizon 2020 program (H2020) through the SMALL 2 project. Could you tell us about it?

YP. In 2016, ID4CAR, as part of the SMALL 2 program, which focuses on the use of big data, has indeed accompanied the development of a start-up in the mobility market in France and Italy. We also participated in another H2020 project, the COEXIST project (2017-2019), which examines the evolution of forecasting traffic management in cities and how to integrate autonomous vehicles to create adapted infrastructures. This brings us knowledge of the technologies and future uses, which we will communicate to our members so that they can position themselves and be steps ahead of their competitors.


Pôle iD4CAR
Technocampus EMC²
ZI du Chaffault, Chemin du Chaffault
44340 Bouguenais, France


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M. Philippe Verdier

président du pôle de compétitivité Cyber

JGDE. Vous présidez le Pôle d’excellence cyber qui est dédié à la cyberdéfense et à la cybersécurité. Pouvez-vous nous expliquer pourquoi ce secteur est en fort développement ?

Philippe Verdier. La cybersécurité est depuis plusieurs années au cœur des préoccupations des responsables de la sécurité. Dire que les systèmes d’informations constituent la colonne vertébrale du fonctionnement des acteurs économiques est un lieu commun qui mérite cependant d’être rappelé tant ces systèmes peuvent servir de vecteur à la réalisation des menaces. La criminalité, même si elle conserve ses visées (vol ou sabotage) a évolué et se développe dans le domaine cyber.

L’actualité des derniers mois apporte des illustrations de plus en plus nombreuses de cette réalité qui n’épargne aucune structure. Les tentatives d’intrusion pour espionnage ou vol de données, la recherche des failles de sécurité pour implantation de virus ou de logiciels de rançon, les tentatives d’attaques massives font désormais partie de l’environnement quotidien et menacent la survie, la compétitivité et le développement des acteurs de la vie économique du pays.

JGDE. Le Pôle d’excellence cyber est relativement récent puisqu’il a été inauguré en 2014. Quels sont précisément ses missions et ses objectifs ?

PV. Bien que récente, la vie du Pôle d’excellence cyber a connu deux périodes. La première, que je qualifierai de pré configuration a permis aux deux membres fondateurs, le ministère des armées et la région Bretagne, de poser les principes de l’action du Pôle et d’organiser l’association que celui-ci constitue de fait depuis 2014. La seconde période ouverte, avec la réunion des instances de l’association en juillet 2016, a permis de concevoir et d’engager l’actuel plan d’action du Pôle.

Le Pôle d’excellence cyber a pour mission de stimuler de façon simultanée l’offre de formation cyber (qu’elle soit initiale, continue, supérieure), la recherche académique et, par mimétisme avec le domaine militaire traditionnel, la « base industrielle et technologique de cybersécurité », avec une attention particulière portée aux PME-PMI innovantes, y compris à l’export.

Ces trois dimensions sont indissociables à nos yeux et répondent à trois enjeux majeurs, au profit de la communauté nationale de cyberdéfense et de cybersécurité :

  • Disposer des compétences nécessaires pour répondre aux besoins de développement de la filière : c’est un point fondamental pour l’ensemble des membres du Pôle. C’est pourquoi les premières actions ont été engagées par notre club formation avant même la création de l’association, pour bénéficier sans délais des capacités des organismes de formation partenaires. Pour le futur, les travaux en cours ont pour objet de définir les conditions de mise en œuvre de parcours de formation alliant formation initiale et formation continue, en privilégiant les formations opérationnelles.
  • Promouvoir la recherche : cette action a débouché dès la phase de configuration sur la création de chaires en adéquation avec les besoins du ministère des armées et des industriels du Pôle. Elle se poursuivra, au-delà de la création de nouvelles chaires, par des actions de déclinaisons opérationnelles des résultats au bénéfice des produits et services innovants et de confiance de demain.
  • Engager le développement industriel. Cette action vise deux objectifs : définir et mettre en œuvre les mesures de soutien au développement et à la pérennisation des start-ups du domaine ; définir et mettre en œuvre des solutions innovantes de protection à destination des ETI et PME.


JGDE. Qui fait aujourd’hui partie du Pôle d’excellence cyber ?

PV. Le Pôle d’excellence cyber compte à ce jour une trentaine de membres, les deux membres fondateurs, le ministère des Armées et la Région Bretagne, onze grands groupes (Airbus CyberSecurity, Thales, Nokia, EDF, Orange, La Poste, Atos, Cap Gémini, Sopra Stéria, DCNS, DCI) et plus d’une quinzaine de laboratoires, d’universités et d’écoles d’ingénieurs.

Ce qui caractérise la participation au Pôle, c’est l’engagement attendu des membres. C’est la condition sine qua none pour être membre : il faut s’engager au-delà de ses intérêts propres, au service d’une forme d’intérêt général visant à accroître les capacités d’anticipation, de défense et de remédiation du pays. Cette approche montre combien la dimension nationale est consubstantielle du Pôle et même sa vocation de rayonnement international.

JGDE. Vous évoquez votre dimension nationale et votre vocation internationale. Quel est alors votre rapport avec la Bretagne ?

PV. L’implantation du Pôle d’excellence cyber en Bretagne est naturelle compte tenu des ambitions de ses membres fondateurs. Le « cœur cyber » du ministère des Armées y bat de très longue date, notamment à DGA Maîtrise de l’information (établissement de la direction générale de l’armement) et à l’École des transmissions. Le Pôle est une opportunité de faire bénéficier l’ensemble des acteurs économiques du pays de ces capacités.

La région Bretagne dispose depuis près d’un demi-siècle d’un tissu académique et industriel particulièrement dense et performant dans des domaines tels que l’informatique, l’électronique, les télécommunications, les mathématiques. Le Pôle est pour elle une opportunité de développement.

Comme je l’ai déjà dit, nous nous inscrivons au service de l’intérêt général de cyberdéfense du pays, l’implantation en Bretagne est une opportunité de partage des compétences et des expériences au-delà des frontières régionales.

JGDE. Pouvez-vous nous parler de la European Cyber Week que vous organisez pour la 2ème fois, du 27 novembre au 1er décembre 2017 à Rennes ?

PV. Organisée par le Pôle d’excellence cyber et ses partenaires, la European Cyber Week propose des conférences techniques, des rencontres d’affaires, une forte dimension recrutement et des événements de haut niveau, adressant tour à tour des enjeux militaires et civils, à destination des entreprises, laboratoires de recherche, institutions et étudiants.

Pour l’édition 2017, ce sont 8 événements majeurs et complémentaires qui vont se succéder. Je vous invite à consulter le site pour en savoir plus et vous inscrire.

Cette semaine, qui a pour vocation de se pérenniser dans le temps et de se développer chaque année un peu plus, illustre parfaitement à la fois les 3 dimensions indissociables (la formation, la recherche, le développement industriel) et l’ADN (le contenu de haut niveau, la culture projet, le travail collaboratif, l’ouverture européenne et internationale) qui président à la dynamique du Pôle d’excellence cyber depuis sa création.


Pole Cyber Défense
DGA maîtrise de l’information
BP7, 35998 Rennes cedex 9 France

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Entretien avec Christophe Cordès, Président de SIEPEL


In 1986 the future partners, founders of Siepel, then based in Paris, were looking for a location, the choice was spontaneously towards Bretagne for family reasons and also by the presence of significant potential customers (Ministry of Defense , DCN, DGA …). A few months after the creation of the company, the city of La Trinité sur Mer offered land that would be purchased and a first building built. 30 years later, SIEPEL has one hectare of land area hosting the head office and production workshops for an average workforce of 62 employees.

SIEPEL’s activity, constantly evolving under the effects of R&D, normative requirements and markets, is based, in particular, on the manufacturing of Faraday cages for the protection of data centers, command & control centers, and secure meeting rooms (electromagnetic and acoustic protections), faradised pouches for mobile telephony and all the control measures associated with these products. As such, SIEPEL is a specialised company in the field of «Cybersecurity infrastructures» for a public and private clientele.

Export represents on average 50% of global activity and in addition to a representative office in Taiwan, SIEPEL has a network of more than 20 agents / distributors in the world.

It is a technological niche market and the strength of the company lies in its capacity for responsiveness, flexibility and quality requirements associated with the mastery of the value chain. A production site in Bretagne gathering all the expertise offers customers and project owners a unique support.


The range offered by SIEPEL consists of specialised products and services for securing infrastructures hosting information systems against cyber threats such as electromagnetic attacks and interceptions.

We can particularly mention:

  • Secure rooms, electromagnetic and acoustic protection. These are high performance Faraday cages with quality finishes to host sensitive meetings with a high level of privacy;
  • Faraday cages dedicated to the protection of data processing systems and data centers;
  • Faradised pouches for laptops, tablets, smartphones for use in Forensics and also for securing confidential meetings requiring the interruption of real-time communications of electronic devices;
  • Measurements of electromagnetic radiation (for validation of the conformity of Faraday cages and standard premises hosting sensitive IT safety means). In terms of measurements according to EN 50147-1 SIEPEL has COFRAC accreditation;



The award of a label, in this case two for SIEPEL, one concerning the faraday cages’ high performance (2016) and the other for measurements of electromagnetic radiation (2017), makes it possible to validate the existence of a genuine technical know-how combined with significant experience.

In markets related to data security, especially for export projects, it is necessary for a company like SIEPEL to be able to justify national technical recognition. Indeed, it is often difficult for our clients to be cited in reference, the confidentiality governing this type of application!

In addition, the France Cybersecurity label, mainly awarded to companies linked to computer security software or services, shows the completeness and complementarity of the solutions by validating our domain of infrastructure cybersecurity. SIEPEL therefore represents a brick of cyber applications and the France Cybersecurity label officialises the scope.



Obviously, one of the first challenges concerns our ability to exceed normative requirements and innovate by offering high-level solutions coupled with attractive costs. The other major challenge is our desire to maintain our R&D and production activities in Bretagne.

The outlook for the French market remains dynamic and SIEPEL needs to maintain its position by collaborating with both principals and prime contractors but also as a specialised support for project owners, who must rely on our unique expertise.

We are seeing margins of progress in export markets and we must ensure that we address the emerging areas where the cyber threat is known and for the moment not sufficiently taken into account.

Bretagne has an excellent pool of SMEs in the field of cybersecurity. We will also consider regional collaborations to broaden our offer and contribute to the development of cybersecurity companies in Bretagne.


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Mme Forough Salami-Dadkhah

vice-présidente du Conseil régional Bretagne chargée de l’Europe et de l’International

Vice-President of the Regional Council of Bretagne in charge of Europe and International

You are in charge of Europe and International. Can you tell us what characterises your delegation?

Forough Salami-Dadkhah. I am in charge of several areas: management of EU funds, relations with EU institutions, bilateral relations with other European and world Regions, and development aid. For a Region like Bretagne whose name is well known, we receive many requests for partnerships. What we are looking for are win-win situations, when interests are shared. It is the guarantee of fruitful and lasting partnerships that go beyond mere “twinning”. Moreover, for Bretagne, which is probably the most pro-European Region in France, a strong European commitment is natural.

With the Brexit, the European dimension of your delegation is even stronger. How do you perceive the impact of this event and has it changed the European strategy of the Region?

FSD. This decision was a shock to us, especially as we have very close relations with Wales which is a bit like our cousin Region. History and geography have made Bretagne very strong cultural and economic links with the United Kingdom, more than any other continental European region I think. Paradoxically, this has for the moment strengthened our determination to support European integration, which seemed to be threatened by the Brexit. And at the same time, it also pushed us to strengthen our ties with the Welsh in order to be certain that our friendship will survive Brexit. This has not yet taken place and it is impossible to predict how it will end. However, my intimate conviction is that one day the British will ask to rejoin the European Union. On this day, the Bretons will be happy to celebrate the return of a family member.

Bretagne wished to open its own representative office in Brussels. Is it to strengthen your presence and influence with European decision-makers?

FSD. This is not really new since Bretagne has a representative office in Brussels since the 1990s, one of the first French Regions to do so. It was natural because the Bretons have always been at the same time very European, and very aware that if they did not go regularly to Brussels to make themselves heard, it would be easy to forget this peninsula lost in the West from the continent. But it is true that until this year, Bretagne shared for cost reasons its Brussels offices with other French Regions. It is, in fact, the merger of the Regions that triggered this change, and also the fact that the French Regions now manage European funds directly. This led us to inaugurate at the beginning of the year the House of Bretagne in Brussels. And I believe that this will improve the visibility of our actions with European decision makers.


You are also working to strengthen the action of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe (CPMR). Can you introduce us to this organisation and the role it plays in the Bretagne Region?

FSD. Bretagne plays a special role in this, since it has been a founding member of CPMR, and its headquarters are in Rennes. It is one of the oldest networks of communities in Europe, founded in 1973. The idea is simple: for peripheral and / or maritime territories, which are far from the demographic and economic core of Europe, it is more difficult to be heard. It was therefore logical to group together to express an atypical voice. In order to bring real added value, the CPMR has concentrated on a few areas of action in relation to the profile of its members: structural funds, maritime policy and transport. But it is even more than that: by bringing its 150 members into contact with the lesser known or less accessible territories in Europe, the CPMR contributes to the awareness that we Europeans share a common culture, that our differences are insignificant in the face of our common interests.

Beyond Europe, you cooperate with communities in the South and support regional actors involved in international solidarity. How does the Region intervene in development aid?

FSD. Indeed, like many other European Regions, we are the actors of so-called decentralised cooperation, that is to say development aid through cooperation between local authorities, without passing on to the national authorities . It is a work centered on concrete projects, complementary to the action carried out by the states or the European Union. For example, we cooperate with a Region of Burkina Faso to develop the vegetable sector, or with the Region of Grand’Anse in Haiti on the training of farmers. We act primarily as a coordinator of local actors, mostly associations that do remarkable work.

What is your position on Francophonie and its values, such as gender equality?

FSD. Francophonie is an asset, of course, internationally. It is always easier to understand one another when one speaks the same language. However, this should not be limited to countries that speak French because the world is so much more diverse. Francophonie is therefore not central to our international strategy. And let’s not forget that in Bretagne we do not speak only French! However, it is true that the values advocated by the organisation of Francophonie, such as cultural diversity, gender equality, democracy and the rule of law, have a universal scope that guides us in our work internationally.

LPPM. The Bretons have a very strong local identity, very deeply rooted. Is it an asset or a handicap in the age of globalisation?

FSD. I think that is a defining asset. I would even say that rooting is essential to be able to open up to globalization. In Brittany, the strength of identity allows people to know who they are, enabling them to open up to others in confidence, without fear of being challenged. The Bretons have always been great travelers and have been enriched by opening up to the world via the sea. This may seem paradoxical but this strong identity facilitates integration in Brittany. When you show your willingness to make your identity, without denying your identity, you are considered Breton, regardless of your place of birth or skin color. I myself am an excellent example. I was born and raised in Iran. But I live in Bretagne for a long time and I feel as much Iranian as Breton, French and European. I can assure you that the strength of this identity, it attracts, we envy it. There is nothing more modern.

To conclude and return to European issues, how do you see the future of the European Union?

FSD. We face immense challenges that only a continental union can address: climate change, regulation of world trade and capital movements, combating terrorism and organised crime, peace in Europe and its neighbourhood. It is illusory to think that divided nation-states will be able to respond. I believe that a series of recent events has provided a shock to a majority of Europeans: the annexation of Crimea by Russia, the vote in favour of the Brexit, the election of Donald Trump in the United States, terrorist attacks that play on borders … The financial crisis that arose ten years ago has shaken our confidence in Europe, but I dare say that the movement is in the process of reversing itself.



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M. Jacques Le Vagueresse

directeur des affaires européennes et internationales du Conseil régional de Bretagne

Director of the Regional Council of Bretagnein charge onEurope and International

You lead the European and International Affairs Department (DAEI), which deals with both North-South cooperation and all European issues, including the management of European funds. How are these different missions expressed and balanced?

Jacques The Vagueresse. The two policies are more complementary than they seem! Of course, European policies follow very specific rules and require a lot of rigor. Conversely, international relations and especially the countries of the South, call for a lot of voluntarism and animation to stimulate effective partnerships. In the end, if European funds mobilise more staff, exchanges between services allow us to remain innovative: on the simplification for the management of European funds and on the need to put more rigour sometimes in our international relations in order to avoid remain only on simple institutional relations.

The Bretagne Region has many actors of international solidarity. How do you accompany them?

JLV. We are just finishing a new “round” of consultations with all of these players. The objective is to redefine with them what are the interests of better working among themselves and what role the Region can have to accompany them in their projects. The idea is to increase the quality of the projects presented and that the intervention of the Region has a real leverage effect. But beyond this is also to offer them the means to have a space for dialogue and implementation of projects in common.

You are also a specialist in innovation and economic development. What is the role of the economy in the Region’s international strategy?

JLV. This is fundamental! If international relations are to be prevented from “going round in circles”, they must be injected with projects in common. Cultural, tourism and academic relations are particularly targeted in our international development strategy, and of course the economy. In this context, we rely on the development agencies of the Region, Bretagne Commerce International and Bretagne Développement Innovation, which enable us to ensure continuity and quality in the projects to be implemented.

You are on the front line to observe the consequences and opportunities of Brexit. Does this event have an impact on territorial cooperation?

JLV. Unfortunately yes. We are already seeing in various instances of European cooperation that some British regions are already excluded “de facto” from discussions. Many European regions consider that they have already left! For our part, we would like to take the opportunity to deepen the connection with Wales and to imagine new opportunities for cooperation after Brexit. But we must also anticipate the departure of the UK from the Interreg programs. We are demanding that the France Channel England program be fully programmed before mid-2019 and that the Brexit come into force so that the Breton and British partners do not get penalised. Finally, we are working with the CPMR to ensure that, by 2020, Europe does not forget us even though we will be a bit peripheral … and that the Atlantic program, for example, will be strengthened.


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Mme Clémentine Gallet

présidente de Coriolis

JGDE. Can you introduce us to Coriolis Composites, its markets, its prospects?

Clémentine Gallet. Coriolis was created in 2001 by three young engineers freshly out of school, who developed and marketed an innovative solution for manufacturing composite parts. Composite materials are used in the aerospace and transport sectors to reduce weight and limit fuel consumption. Coriolis has a turnover of € 27 million in the aeronautics and space market, 80% of which is exported. Coriolis robots are used in the factories of major aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus, Bombardier or Dassault Aviation, as well as by their subcontractors.

JGDE. Coriolis Composites is a company directly related to the precision industry. What answer do you give to the general vision of a deindustrialisation of France, and more particularly of the provinces?

CG. I see deindustrialisation as an opportunity to reconsider the foundations of our industry. We are experiencing a veritable transformation of our factories since the advent of digitalization and robotics. Using the latest generation of tools, it is once again possible to manufacture in France and remain competitive. We see it with the factories that we equip with our robots and which become more competitive thanks to this new equipment.

Our own development is proof of this: our added value lies in the innovative mechanical components and high performance simulation software that we develop. These technological building blocks are a direct product of French creativity and ingenuity. Our location in Lorient contributes to this technological and innovative success, as we offer young talents the “new generation” quality of life to which they aspire, where work, leisure and personal life are harmonised.

JGDE. You have just inaugurated the French Fab with the Minister of Economy, Mr. Bruno LE MAIRE. Can you explain what this project is about, and the involvement of Coriolis Composites in its implementation?

CG. I will paraphrase our Minister by saying that the French Fab provides a “showcase of our industrial, traditional and cutting-edge know-how” and gives a collective impetus to the “French-style industry of the future”. Naturally we are supporting this movement with 3 contributions: our history and technologies, our need for better representation as manufacturers in our future developments (including government support for innovation and export) and the challenges we face, that sometimes require advice from our ETI peers and fellow members of the French Fab.



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Europe’s precious help

European funds are an essential lever for the Region to strengthen the creation of values, wealth and jobs in its territory.

In order to achieve its regional development objectives, the European Union (EU) has a multi-annual budget: the Structural and Investment Funds (FESI). For the period 2014-2020, that amount to 960 billion euros, of which 1 billion euros in Bretagne. In March 2017, € 319 million (€ m) had already been allocated to project holders in Bretagne.

Since 2014, the Region has taken over from the State as the management authority for most of these FESIs (for a total of € 780 million): it now administers the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), one third of the European Social Fund (ESF) and a regional envelope of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).


The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) is the second pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), with € 368 million in Bretagne. “It contributes, according to the EU, to the development of rural areas and a more balanced, climate-friendly, climate-resilient, competitive and innovative agricultural sector. In the context of the Breton Rural Development Program (BDPDP), the most demanded measures concern support for investments in agricultural holdings, agri-environmental and climatic measures (AMEC), organic farming and installation of young farmers. In 3 and a half years, nearly 7,500 files were selected. More than 1,500 young farmers have already been helped to facilitate their settlement.

On farms, € 53 million of EAFRD were committed for the modernisation of agricultural buildings and equipment; this European fund also supported 32 projects for the valorisation of agricultural products on the farm. A very important component in Bretagne, € 62m of EAFRD is used to support agri-environmental and climatic measures that accompany changes in agricultural practices and € 18.2m support the conversion and maintenance of organic farming. € 3.3 million is already committed for BreizhBocage, a program that promotes the cultivation of bocage and the reconquest of water quality. The fund also supports four European partnerships for innovation involving 47 territorial partners (€ 4 million).

Economic and social cohesion

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aims to “strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting the imbalances between its regions”. Bretagne has benefited from this amount of € 307.3 million. Projects related to research, innovation and economic development represent nearly three-quarters of the funds committed to date. For example, the ERDF contributed to the construction of the first urban cableway in France (€ 5.5 million) in Brest and supports the creation of a wharf called Énergies Marines Renouvelables in the port of this metropolis (€ 15 million). € 8 million were mobilised to create Breizh Up, a co-investment fund that aims to reinforce, from the first fundraising, the capital contribution to innovative projects of creation of companies. ERDF is participating in the extension of the Triskell project, a collective transport system throughout the entire Lorient urban area (€ 7 million) and the transformation of four stations into multi-modal exchange centers (Brest, Redon, Vitré and Guingamp). Many projects will be selected in the coming months, for example for the thermal renovation of social housing, the very high-speed connection of the regional territory, numerous research and innovation programs…

The European Social Fund (ESF) allocated to Bretagne represents € 184m. € 76.8 million has already been programmed to support employment, access to qualification for jobseekers, vocational integration and the fight against precariousness in Bretagne. It also aims to help people find better jobs or to retrain at any point in their lives. Following the example of Michel, who at the age of 40 left his job in logistics to set up his carpentry business. He was able to carry out apprenticeship training at the AFPA of Finistère, a training organisation supported by the Region and the European Union. More than 55,000 people have benefited to date from the European Social Fund-supported programs in Bretagne since 2014.

Maritime Affairs

The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is helping fishermen and aquaculturists to become more sustainable, helping coastal communities to diversify their economic activities and improve their quality of life. An example ? The cooperative of the Breton aquaculturists in Plourin-Lès-Morlaix now has a breeding site and a genetics laboratory. Costly facilities, partly financed by the European Union.

European funds closest to the territories

In order to adapt the funds to the needs of the territories, more than 120 million euros of European funds are devoted to territorial approaches. This concerns projects supported by three out of four funds (ERDF, EAFRD and EMFF).


Territorial cooperation

The ERDF also participates in the co-financing of the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) programs. More commonly known as Interreg; they allow territories located in several EU Member States to carry out projects in common. Objective: to contribute to the sustainable and balanced development of the area concerned, at economic, social and cultural levels. They aim to reduce the “border effects” through closer cooperation between the various actors in the territories (companies, local authorities, associations, etc.).

These programs represent an envelope of € 1.1 billion, spread over four areas comprising Bretagne: France Manche (€ 223 million), Atlantic Area (€ 140 million), North-West Europe (€ 396 million) and Interreg Europe (€ 359 million). In the first half of 2017, 15 cooperation projects were approved involving 20 Breton structures for a total amount of € 6 million. The VISTA-AR project, for example, has set itself the objective of developing a new approach based on augmented reality and virtual reality (VR) for tourist sites such as the Château de Fougères (Ille-et-Vilaine) and the CAN project – Climate Active Neighborhood commits cities in five European countries to fight against fuel poverty in their priority neighbourhoods.

The sectoral programs

Finally, the Bretons benefit from EU sector programs in a wide range of fields. The best known is probably Erasmus, a program of exchange of students, apprentices and teachers between universities, European large schools and educational establishments throughout the world. There is also Creative Europe, which deals with media and culture, or Horizon 2020, which supports research and innovation projects. COSME seeks to improve the competitiveness of businesses, while Europe for Citizens supports projects that work for memory, for the mutual knowledge of European citizens. Finally, LIFE is dedicated to the protection of ecosystems, in particular the Natura 2000 network.

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M. Pierre Weill

président du pôle de compétitivité Valorial

JGDE. You are the president of the Valorial competitiveness cluster. Can you explain to us who its members are and what are its activities?

Pierre Weill. Valorial is a cluster of 320 food, industrial and academic actors working on a common mission: promoting innovation in the service of regional economic development. We bring together these research and industry players who are not very close to each other. Then Valorial creates meeting places (congresses, thematic workshops, symposiums, etc …), from which emerge collaborative projects leading to new tools, new technologies, new communications concepts, new organisations, new products with «Valorial inside».

JGDE. You intervene at all stages of a project, from the day before the promotion. What is the range of innovation services you offer?

PW. The first committee in the innovation chain, the Scientific Orientation and Industrial Prospective Committee (COSPI) is composed of scientists from all walks of life, from biochemistry to sociology. It identifies future values creation themes by analysing the needs and challenges that our industry will face. The next step is to create knowledge (so-called «pre-competitive» innovation) and, above all, to create competitive projects combining the best labs in the field with the industry’s desire to stand out before accompanying these private-public consortia to the finalisation of a project. Then the projects are brought to the «labellisation» by a committee of independent experts. Once approved, innovation projects are submitted to the Financing Committee and financed. Valorial finally accompanies the projects during their realisation and passes the relay for their diffusion or their internationalisation to other institutions.

JGDE. You even organise «Food Morning» sessions to explain the contribution of social networks to agri-food innovation. Can you introduce the concept and its implementation?

PW. Agri-food is a very important traditional sector of the French economy. Agriculture and its agro-alimentary extension links the territory and perpetuate centuries of traditions and ties to the terroir while remaining the country’s first industry. In this area of the «old economy», innovation is not an obvious value on a daily basis. Yet it must also value and maintain these traditions patiently built and maintained in the networks of SMEs that make up the bulk of the sector. Innovation must therefore be promoted and explained in order to be integrated. It is the role of the Food’Morning Valorial, which brings together local SMEs, researchers and players in the new economy, who meet with local authorities, in the four corners of our territories, closest to the agri-food network. Actors of the agri and agro activity to imagine the new technologies in the service of the production of our meals.


JGDE. You have created close partnerships with actors located in Normandy and the Pays de la Loire. Does this western dimension allow you to impose more?

PW. From Rennes la Bretonne, Valorial is less than an hour from Normandy and the Pays de la Loire. A glance at the map places us in the heart of these three regions, which carry the bulk of French agri-food and agri-food production (€ 40 billion, 100,000 direct jobs) and a preponderant share of national livestock and fisheries activities. The academic structure is very dense in terms of training and research. Seen from New York or Tokyo, and perhaps also from Paris, Valorial is therefore at the center of these three regions. This is where the new agri-food economy will be built, at the crossroads of traditions and new technologies. The fabric, both academic and industrial, gives it an unmatched weight at the international level. Many industrialists, world leaders in their field, have clearly understood this and are setting up their world R&D center (Roullier, Diana, Neovia, Avril, Lactalis, etc.).


JGDE. In the same spirit, you have close links with other regional actors of reference, such as Act Food Bretagne or the Breton association of agri-food companies. What synergies can you create?

PW. The fabric of SMEs and ETI, dominant in the agri-food business, needs innovation. Innovation support services need simplicity and synergy, for example from a single portal that welcomes innovative projects and directs them to Act-Food technical centers and / or Valorial’s collaborative innovation, its methods of labeling and financing. The recent establishment of Valorial in a unique location, the Maison de l’Innovation (House of Innovation), Food and Trades (MIAM) with the Culinary Center, the Breton Association of Agro-Food Companies (ABEA) and Act-Food, illustrates this desire for synergy and its pragmatic implementation.


JGDE. Valorial has adopted a genuine international strategy that goes beyond the European framework. Can you tell us the
objectives and the results?

PW. Valorial has its own international vocation alongside services dedicated to export assistance. In conjunction with the other French agri-food clusters and regional authorities, we forge strong links with other agro-food clusters located on other continents. International projects are built around agri-food innovation with Japanese, American, European or Korean clusters, for example. From these links, doors open for the valorisation of our innovations.

JGDE. You wanted to bring together companies and non-food organisations in a «partner» club. Why?

PW. The Club Partenaires brings together finance and advisory companies for agri-food companies. Their skills are essential to the economic success of our innovations. It is an originality of Valorial and a «win – win» relationship that is perennial and also contributes to the financing of the cluster by bringing in private resources.

JGDE. Bretagne is often presented as the leading agri-food basin in Europe. How do you see its evolution and its future?

PW. Bretagne has succeeded in building a very strong agri-food economy. It has seen the emergence of leading companies, particularly in the livestock sectors. Today, in an increasingly competitive world, its strengths are those of France’s first agri and agro region. Its traditions and academic skills have made it a region full of human talent and a workforce of excellence. Its strengths must shine in an increasingly complicated and competitive environment. Our gastronomy, our terroirs, our «French Paradox» must serve as springboards to invent tomorrow’s agri-food business: the one that will combine the quality of the products and the accessibility to the greatest number.

Unable to compete in the global market with countries producing low-cost staple foods. It is also impossible to limit oneself to productions of luxury and niche. Between the two, innovative Bretagne will feed the world of healthy and tasty concepts and products, accessible to all. To reinforce and invent this vocation, it is the role of Valorial whose growth reflects the will of its actors to (nurture) the world of tomorrow. Bretagne has many assets for this. Valorial is proud and conscious of being one of these most beautiful assets.


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Le site breton des financements européens

Breton’s European funding website brings together all the necessary services for project developers (local authorities, private companies, associations, etc.) to benefit from European funding.

The European Union is often accused of bureaucracy and it is true that the management of certain European funds is very complex. To make it easier to apply for funding, the Bretagne Region created the website. It is co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the ERDF / ESF program in Bretagne. It is intended for anyone wanting to learn about European subsidies, and even more so, for potential project bearers.

The site is simple and easy to read; it opens with a home page that displays the latest news and gives access to “Europe and us”, a series of testimonies of Bretons who have benefited from European funds, also a TVR initiative and the regional council.


Call for proposals

The home page allows you to find in a single click the main sections of the site. “Understanding” presents in detail the various European structural and investment funds (ERDF, EAFRD, ESF, EMFF), European territorial cooperation (Interreg …) and sector programs (Life, Erasmus+, Horizon 2020 …).

By entering your business sector or profile, the “Search” function provides the European financing you can subscribe to. Background filters allow you to view the list of available devices based on your customized search.

It is also possible to get direct access to the calls for projects under the Structural and Investment Funds, under the heading “project bearer”. The day we consulted the site, more than 20 calls for proposals were presented, most of them under the auspice of the European fund for maritime affairs and fisheries (EMFF), which was then in full swing: “Disease control in aquaculture companies”,” Support for business creation for young fishermen”,”Energy efficiency and mitigation of climate change “… The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), for its part, proposed “Support for investments in equipment agro-environmental” or “Modernization of farm buildings and associated equipment”. In addition to a presentation of the objectives, eligible actions, beneficiaries, selection criteria, financial terms and application, the site allows the downloading of all the documents needed to complete a grant application.


The website offers access to a “communication kit”. The beneficiaries of European funds are obliged to respect certain publicity obligations, highlighting European investment. To accompany them in their approach, the Region offers them communication tools (logos, stickers, signs, etc.) and gives them advice to enhance their project. Lastly, the site gives access to several documentary resources (regulatory and reference texts, “European funds in Bretagne 2014-2020” brochure material…).



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La Maison de la Bretagne in Brussels

To reinforce its presence and give it more visibility to European authorities, the Permanent Delegation of Bretagne in the Belgian capital has since its beginning in 2017 its own premises, baptised “House of Bretagne”.

Always located at Schuman roundabout, the new venue is made up of four spaces designed to allow a great flexibility of uses: in addition to the offices where the four people who make up its team work, the Maison de la Bretagne offers modular meeting rooms, forum for public events, but also a space for the actors of the territory during their proceedings in Brussels. The place is a reflection of a modern and dynamic Bretagne. The furniture of Breton designers has been honoured, while the exhibitions allow to make the Region known and its projects. In 2017, it is obviously the commissioning of the Bretagne Grande Vitesse line that is put forward.

A bridge between Bretagne and Europe

The mission of the Maison de la Bretagne is to carry out and defend the positions and interests of Bretagne. It is a bridge between the Region and the European institutions (European Commission, European Parliament, Committee of the Regions, etc.), but also with other European Regions, with which it works in networks. “We also welcome, throughout the year, groups of schoolchildren, students, locally elected representatives and economic social actors to introduce them to the functioning of Europe and to explain why their Region is present in Brussels. “The delegation facilitates the European news and opportunities by the Region, such as the European Commission’s growing attention to learning in European mobility programs (Erasmus +).

The House of Britain presents the specificities and initiatives of the territory to the European institutions, and organises the travel of the representatives of the Region in Brussels. “Thus,” explains Aude Körfer, Permanent Delegate, the arrival of Thierry Burlot, Vice-President of the Regional Council for Environment, Water, Biodiversity and Climate, explaining how Bretagne is a territory that has mobilised to improve its waters European Economic and Social Committee. European Economic and Social Committee. “The delegation works on the interactions between agriculture, energy, maritime affairs, transportation, innovation, training, etc. The European Parliament and the European Parliament, with the Permanent Representation of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union France to the European Union, etc.

Reactive and forward-looking work

In some cases, the Bretagne team has to be reactive: find information as soon as possible, send proposals for amendments to the Committee of the Regions where Bretagne has two representatives: Gérard Lahellec (Bretagne Region) / Nathalie Sarrabezolles (Department of Finistère). Other files are required. “We are led to work prospectively on policy developments,” says Aude Körfer. “This is essential to enable the Region to position itself and nurture its own policies and strategies. It has been two years since the Delegation has been working extensively on the post-2020 period.”

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M. Jacques Jaouen

président de la Chambre Régionale d’Agriculture de Bretagne

JGDE. Agriculture and the agri-food sector are essential pillars for the economy and employment in Bretagne. Can you tell us what this sector represents today?

Jacques Jaouen. With 9 billion euros in turnover for agriculture, nearly 20 billion for agri-food processing and about 135,000 direct jobs in the sector, agriculture and agri-food are indeed the foundations of the regional economy. In addition, there are a large number of induced activities in transport (road, maritime, rail …), warehousing, maintenance, manufacturing of various equipment …

JGDE. What are the channels of excellence and what are the export markets?

JJ. Bretagne is primarily a breeding ground. The region leads the rankings of the French regions of various animal productions. We produce 57% of the 21% in calves, 32% in poultry meat, 43% in the consumption of eggs, 23% of conventional milk or 21% of organic milk. But it must not be forgotten that Bretagne is also leading in the areas of vegetable 84% of French cabbage, 79% of artichokes, 79% of shallots, 34% of spinach or still 30% of the tomatoes! The players in the region target all markets, proximity, the French domestic market, but also export to countries with whom we have a long history, but also new destinations to which they are looking for growth drivers. In 2016, agricultural and agri-food exports amounted to more than € 4.2 billion in sales, of which just over one-third are meat and meat products. These exports represent 35.4% of exports Breton all activities combined, a base there too!

JGDE. At the same time, it is a sector that is facing many difficulties. What is your view of its evolution?

JJ. The development of Breton agriculture was based on national policies and a CAP which encouraged the development of production and the modernisation of enterprises. With their conquering temperament and their attachment to their territory, farmers and agri-food companies responded. The economic actors convince the public authorities of the need to open up our region to the extreme west to lift the difficulties of distance and logistics. Farmers have also invested in training to progress and take charge of their destiny. All this has borne fruit.

The entry of agricultural products into world trade, the enlargement of Europe, the entry of new competitors into agricultural markets, the environmental issues have come to question and shake up a model of based on a large number of assets on small and medium-sized family responsibility. The Bretagne agricultural and agri-food had to make a transformation to remain a production area that counts in European trade. The figures quoted above show that the economic and local authorities do not give up anything in this worse context.


JGDE. In this context, what role can the Chamber of Agriculture play?

JJ. The periods of transformation are always painful and may offer resistance or difficulties in making the necessary turns. Our dual mission, consular representative to represent and defend the general interest of a sector of territory, and our mission of advising and accompanying closer to the players in this transformation. It is both research and development to successfully meet the challenge of economically, humanely and economically ecologically intensive, in other words, agriculture and an agri-food sector multi-performance, they are prospective studies on the sectors; this is training for future farmers, future employees, continuing education, it is strategic support for project promoters. Finally, the chambers of agriculture a territorial organisation with a network of proximity that makes the collaborators easily accessible.

JGDE. Overall, there is a rise in the short circuits and a consumers’ enthusiasm for local and seasonal productions, especially in the territories with a strong identity such as Bretagne. How do you accompany this phenomenon?

JJ. The Chamber of Agriculture is equipped with a regional team distributed throughout the territory to accompany all the project promoters «from the idea to the project». They are mobilised on the ambition of Breizh Alim of the Regional Council of Bretagne. The momentum shows that these new expectations can find concrete answers that of producers, long or short, and consumers. Undeniably, Breton identity catalyses and gives power to the project, from producer to consumer, processing companies. The Chamber of Agriculture will be an actor and facilitator of this dynamic.

JGDE. At the same time, there is also a growing demand for organic production. What do you think of the development of agrobiology?

JJ. This development corresponds to the expectations of food production, and methods of production of the food they consume: preserving natural resources, biodiversity. This evolution must be understood and an accompanied term offer by accompanying producers who wish to convert their system. It is also necessary to help the structuring of the sector so that producers get paid.

We are present on these various subjects, which must reconcile economic viability and social projects and societal expectations.

JGDE. Farmers are very active in the energy and ecological transition. The issues are both environmental, social and economic. Can you tell us what is happening in Bretagne?

JJ. The Chamber of Agriculture of Bretagne have begun to work on the transition. The priority was very quickly set for energy savings to reduce loads, to make farms more autonomous. Different programs of aid have accompanied them since 2009. They concern all sectors: milk, pork, poultry, production under glass housing. We have also invested in experimental studies to develop the concept of «low-energy livestock building».

The second priority was to contribute to the development of renewable energies in France. We work on two scales: that of exploitation to diversify the income of their autonomy through self-consumption, and that of the territories to register our farms in the energy transition of rural territories. The development of these projects has not been as rapid as would have been desired, because of the economic situation. However, the projects are always more numerous: wood energy, photovoltaics, methanisation …

Finally, we have tackled the issue of climate change. Agriculture is the largest producer of greenhouse gases in the Bretagne region and must therefore take its share in the mitigation of climate change. This question is cross-cutting and the answers are those of agro-ecology. It therefore meets other societal expectations and environmental.

Today comes the issue of adapting agriculture to climate change, which is obviously of strategic importance.


JGDE. How do you imagine the agriculture of the future?

JJ. Food demand is growing. But this evolution of demand is plural, between those who in the world do not yet eat their food, or do not balanced diet, which are often farmers, between those who eat their hunger, or even more, for whom qualitative expectations are different. The consumption of animal protein is questioned by some, the carbon footprint of food products, preservation of natural resources. Agriculture is concerned first and foremost by the energy transition, it is a source of solutions on this issue.

They will need to feed 9 billion people in 2050, a majority from the towns. Land and water are rare factors of production in some regions which concentrate a large and growing population. In his book «feeding men» and advocating for intensive environmentally-friendly agriculture, the agronomist, Michel Griffon suggests ways to reconcile intensification factors of production and the preservation of natural resources. The research, innovation, inter-knowledge between advanced technologies and traditional solutions are strong points. Bretagne is capable of being a pioneer in writing this new history, welcoming and accompanying diversified projects, and conquering companies in all markets, in close proximity, and in the world.


ZAC Atalante Champeaux
Rue Maurice le Lannou 35042 Rennes, France

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M. Jean-François Jacob

président de SICA de St Pol de Léon

Sorry, this entry is only available in French.

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JEAN Floc’h

La force d’un groupe agro-alimentaire breton

For over 40 years, the JEAN FLOC’H agri-food group has established a solid reputation in the field of meat processing.

With a consolidated turnover of 600 million, the Breton brand JEAN FLOC’H has established itself in the main markets: retail, catering, industrial, butchers and export with 30% of turnover for the latter. Based in the heart of the catchment area, each of its 12 sites is dedicated to an activity: meat, sausages, preserves, frozen foods and culinary solutions. This organisation is for its customers the assurance of an advanced technical mastery, a seamless food safety and an optimal reactivity for all its products.

Faced with the evolution of consumption patterns that give preference to elaborated products but also to European competition, the group aims at excellence in terms of the level of industrialisation of its tools (mechanisation, robotisation) with an average of annual investment of € 10 million. He is also involved in major product innovation initiatives: in constant evolution, the very wide range of Jean Floc’h products is particularly concerned with clean labeling, salt reduction and nutritional balance.

From origins to today, JEAN FLOC’H’s ambition is clear: to create sustainable human and economic wealth for farmers, wage earners and Bretagne. Aware of his social responsibility, he is committed to investing in the life of his territory through his involvement in several professional organisations such as «Produced in Bretagne». He is also a co-founder of a renewable energy production center in Europe (LIGER). The dynamism of its activities makes it today an inescapable operator of the French pork industry.



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M. Philippe Bizien et M.Guillaume Roué

Coprésidents d’Eleveurs de Porcs en France

JGDE. Messieurs BIZIEN and ROUÉ, you both co-chair the GIE Pig Breeders in France, which includes Aveltis and Prestor, this union makes you one of the market leaders. What are your missions and ambitions?

The fragmentation of the sales forces at the end of pig farms is a handicap which had to be fixed. This is why Aveltis and Prestor have chosen to regroup their forces within the GIE Pig Breeders in France. The goal being to better meet the expectations of our customers in slaughterhouses and to better organise the marketing in order to get the right price. Being the main actor of the Breton Pork Market, we participate in the development of the public award, guarantee of equity between breeders.

We encourage contractual links between breeders and slaughterhouses. These innovative contracts make it possible to smooth the cash flow of livestock farms in a volatile market such as that of pork and raw materials. Our ambition is to serve the best interests of our breeders who are ambitious entrepreneurs that want the colors of Bretagne to be worn as high as possible.

JGDE. The regional fact for the construction of Europe does not in any way exclude competition or competitiveness. In the context of ubiquitous regulation, how do you apprehend an increasingly liberal and often mature market economy?

The daily struggle of the entrepreneur is his cost price. It is also that of Pig Breeders in France. In the pig sector, one could imagine that Europe after 70 years of existence of the CAP has managed to harmonise its tax, social, environmental and societal rules between all the member countries. At this stage, this is not the case. Bretagne is and must remain at the forefront of the fight to harmonise European rules. Agriculture is the foundation of our economy, it is our constant struggle and that of our agricultural and political bodies.

Today, markets are almost all mature, and despite OECD forecasts that meat consumption will increase by 50% by 2050, it is known that the capacity to produce will follow throughout the world. We must therefore fight to keep our place on the export market.

JGDE. Geopolitics and the impact on the development of your markets. How to improve your positions?

We are never immune to big surprises. For example, the emergence of African swine fever in some Eastern European countries has been catastrophic because immediately the Russian market has closed for all EU trade. This episode, which should have been settled simply by applying the sanitary protocol that governs EU-Russia trade relations, was polluted by the general embargo set up after the problem with the Crimea. The European and Russian health authorities have never found an acceptable consensus. It is not the technical problems that get in the way, but geopolitical interests. We have the feeling that we are the collateral victims of issues that go beyond us because guided by geo strategy with political as well as economic stakes. Europe must be united in order to face together the challenges of tomorrow’s trade, whether they are on the American continent or on the vast Asian market. Indeed, in the conquest of the immense Chinese market nothing should divide us on a European scale, from France and our region. Regalian problems must be remitted. Our American competitors do not encumber much philosophy when it comes to doing business. Regarding our GIE Pig Breeders in France, we are convinced that the union is the strength.



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Laboratoires Goëmar

Entretien avec Jean-Marie Joubert, Directeur Général des Laboratoires Goëmar

JGDE. Goëmar Laboratories specialises in bioperformance technologies dedicated to the agricultural sector. Can you tell us about your company, its activities, and what exactly is bioperformance®?

Jean-Marie Joubert. The company «Laboratoires Goëmar» is installed for more than 40 years in Saint Malo. Creating around seaweed products, it is now centered on products used in agriculture.

The company joined the Arysta LifeScience Group in 2015, a group specialising in plant protection. At Arysta Lifescience, Goëmar, a specialist in Bioperformance technologies, develops, manufactures and markets Biocontrol products (Vacciplant, Carpovirusin, Ostrinil) and Biostimulants (GoActiv, registered in France agoronomic additive, seaweed filtrate based) in plants.

All products come from the natural environment, seaweed harvested in Bretagne, and microorganisms. These are products without classification of toxicity.
Biocontrol products help protect plants against insect attack or parasitic diseases. The Biostimulants products activate the biological processes of the plants which allow to decant the yields of the plants.

These technologies, combined with conventional solutions for the protection or nutrition of plants, make it possible to meet production valorisation objectives in line with regulatory and societal changes. They provide more food safety, environmental, more guarantee than the products sold separately, this is called the Responsible Agro-Performance.

JGDE. At a time when food production standards are singled out with the ratification of CETA, or the difficulties of banning glyphosate, what concrete solutions does a laboratory like Goëmar bring?

JMJ. The interest of being associated with an Agrochemical group allow to conventionnal products with Biocontrol products to reduce the toxicity of synthetic products.

Similarly for plant nutrition, the use of Biostimulants can stimulate the biological functions of plants and thus increase yields without additional fertiliser.
Integrating the Arysta Group gives us a greater perspective for developing our products. Where Goëmar sells its products in 40 countries, Arysta brings a bigger dimension with the possibility to develop them in more than 120 countries. Even if the regulatory will favourable to the products of Biocontrol and Biostimulants is different between the countries of the world, the impulse, especially in Europe is well launched.

JGDE. Your membership in the Arysta LifeScience group gives you an international dimension; what are the development projects you would like to present to us?

JMJ. To date, not all diseases or pests can be controlled by biocontrol products, for lack of solutions. The group therefore invests to formulate new products, both in innovative nutrition and plant protection through biocontrol products. Many projects are being developed in our laboratories, both in seed treatment and foliar protection.

Our Saint Malo laboratory actively contributes to this research in controlled conditions (phytotrons, greenhouses) and then in our experimental station at Beaulieu-sur-Layon.


Laboratoires Goëmar
Parc Technopolitain Atalante,
35435 Saint-Malo, France
Tél. : +33 (0)2 99 19 19 19



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M. Jean-Yves Le Damany, Président d’ADVENTIEL et M. Jean du Puytison, Directeur Général d’ADVENTIEL

M. J.Y. Le Damany

JGDE. Can you present us your company (its history, its composition, your territorial positioning, and your markets?

Created shortly before 1970, ADVENTIEL originally recorded animal identification data. The introduction of a genetic information system in 1999 led to other services that are still focused on the management of databases and applications intended for the genetic improvement of ruminants. Co-operative based in Rennes, ADVENTIEL opened up to the market economy in 2007 because its members had organised themselves as a real company. The implementation of a diversification strategy allowed him to export his skills to clients in the agricultural sector.

In 2012, the territory expanded to the West, and the company took a new step in 2015 with the merger of ARSOE Manche-Atlantique and Bretagne, and the birth of the ADVENTIEL Group. A true expert in information systems in the world of agriculture, combining technology and innovation, the Group employs nearly 200 people, recruits 40 new employees a year, and generates a turnover of € 22 million.

The “raison d’être” of the ADVENTIEL Group is to support the life science companies in their transformation, by proposing tailor-made digital solutions. The Group’s ambition is to reach € 30 million in turnover at the end of 2020, and to continue its recruitment efforts in the next five years.

M. J. du Puytison

JGDE. What are the key factors of your differentiation strategy?

Few digital services companies have so much business expertise in the field of agriculture. ADVENTIEL relies on the acceleration of digital innovation, and on strong business expertise to become a key partner for companies that believe that innovation through uses will allow its customers to increase the value added to farmers.

ADVENTIEL governance is made up of a group of livestock administrators who bet on the long term and reason with the values of the company:

  • boldness through continuous and collaborative innovation, an Innov’Space won in 2017 with a prototype chatbot for breeders,
  • Professionalism thanks to the methods deployed,
  • The expertise and experience acquired with its clients, the real foundation of the services offered,
  • Competitiveness, because it is every day that the teams expose themselves to the competition,
  • Ethics thanks to its governance model and a strong desire for transparency with its clients, a pragmatism and a talk-truth reinforced by the culture of its Board of Directors.

JGDE. What are your future projects in territories and new technologies?

We want to continue to innovate, and we are engaged in the acquisition of skills around the design and implementation of data exchange platforms. We are working on several projects in partnership with some major players in the agricultural world, well established in Bretagne. These projects are a continuation of the services we have been offering our clients for several years but the arrival of connected objects, and consequently the drastic increase in the volume of data, requires relying on different and available resources in the market. The resources I’m talking about are skills, infrastructure, including those offered by the cloud and technologies.

We will remain offensive and listen to Breton companies for whom digital innovation is an issue we share, with in mind, ultimately, to bring added value to farmers.

The market for agricultural and agri-food sectors is huge, and digitisation strategies are one of the concerns of companies. Our ambition is to register, in a very proactive way, in this very promising initiative for our customers and for the farmers.



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Commerces & Industries

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M. Jean-François Garrec

Président de la CCI Bretagne

JGDE. The network of Chambers of Commerce and Industry has changed dramatically in recent years. How did it reorganise itself in Bretagne?

Jean-François Garrec. 2016 saw the end of a decisive mandate for the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Bretagne. The 2010 law led our network to reorganise, with a new distribution of missions between the regional and territorial levels and a reduction in our resources. Our new master plan devoted a regional CCI (CCIR) and four territorial CCIs (CCIT), one per department, instead of seven before. We have also adopted our Regional Scheme of Organisation of the Missions to reposition ourselves alongside the regional economic actors, including the State and the Regional Council. The CCIR is a force for proposals on the development strategy and the development of support schemes for companies, and the CCITs implement them taking into account local needs and specificities.

JGDE. In this context, what are the missions of the Regional Chamber that you preside over?

JFG. The Region CCI is the regional establishment of the CCI of Bretagne. It represents the interests of more than 123,000 nationals. Its missions are articulated around three main axes: strategy by producing an economic and prospective vision; influence and presence with our partners and public authorities; information with a role as a resource center for CCITs in order to develop skills, provide value-added services and synergise territorial dynamics

JGDE. What do you see today in the Bretagne economy?

JFG. The economic situation is becoming clearer. The 2016 results showed that BrBretagne ranked second in the French regions in terms of unemployment rates (8.5% compared to 9.8% at national level), with an increase in employment of 1.4%. that the national average is 1.2%. 2017 has started well. Almost a quarter of the companies anticipate an increase in their activity and 44% predict a stability. Hiring prospects are twice as numerous as workforce reductions.

Structurally, the major difficulties affecting the agricultural sector affect everyone because agro-food processing is the first industrial sector and the most important to export (35% of volumes). In addition, these establishments are important local providers of employment and condition the vitality of the entire region. This is also the case for fishing, which represents more than a quarter of French vessels and which faces major transformation challenges.

Finally, we need to integrate digital, energetic and environmental transitions. With renewable marine energy projects and nearly 40,000 jobs in the digital sector, Bretagne is strongly armed.



JGDE. You often remember that international business is an important issue for companies, including SMEs. Do Breton companies export well?

JFG. The performance of our region in this area remains below expectations. With 4.2% of the national wealth and only 2.4% of exports, Bretagne has a relatively low international opening. We have just over 3,500 export companies, only 2.9% of the national total. With Bretagne Commerce International, a tool common to the CCI and the Region, we offer companies a wide range of services. In 2016, more than 2,200 companies received information or were accompanied in foreign markets.

JGDE. Do you think Brexit can create new opportunities?

JFG. It is complex to envisage opportunities for Bretagne in a context of uncertainties that far exceed us. The United Kingdom has recently become our 3rd largest export partner and the 8th largest importer. Imports from the United Kingdom fell, while our exports increased to 859 million euros. However, they represent only 1% of the regional GDP, which reduces the economic risks of Brexit.

On the investment side, the weight of the United Kingdom is more mixed: with 50 establishments and nearly 3,700 jobs, the country ranks third behind the United States and Germany.

JGDE. The quality of transport infrastructures and equipment is an important factor of attractiveness. The CCIs of Bretagne are very involved in this field …

JFG. The peripheral situation of Bretagne is an asset, when, allied to other characteristics, it attracts tourists. It can also alter exchanges with the outside world. In this context, a good connection with the rest of Europe and the world is vital. Today, we are one of the leading French tourist destinations, the first or one of the leading regions in terms of agricultural and agri-food production as well as in the electronics-computer-telecommunications, automotive, shipbuilding and ship repair sectors. To maintain this excellence, CCIs manage critical infrastructure and equipment: 7 airports, 14 commercial ports, 23 fishing ports and fish auctions, 7 marinas, a total of 53 facilities when our counterparts in other regions manage between 2 and 15.

JGDE. What are the main structuring projects that will ensure the development of the Breton economy?

JFG. The LGV (high-speed rail service) inaugurated in July 2017 is an asset in connectivity with Paris and other European cities. But the western part of the region does not benefit fully and the project «LNOBPL», reducing travel times from Brest to Rennes, Quimper to Rennes and Nantes to Rennes, is essential. In addition, the dissemination of digital tools and uses for the transfer of data, is also a vector of creation and development of activities. The Very Very High Speed Bretagne program is essential. Finally, greater energy autonomy and the securing of electricity supply are necessary for any economic activity.

The investments foreseen by the Electricity Breton Pact to consolidate the distribution network and for the emergence of marine or hydroelectric wind energy on the maritime perimeter must be implemented quickly.



JGDE. At your General Assembly last June, you validated a stronger partnership with the Regional Council. What does it contain?

JFG. Regional responsibility for economic development, vocational training and land-use planning has been considerably strengthened over the past two years, with the Regional Council now defining strategies and guiding interventions and funding. He is the natural interlocutor of the KICs.

That is why we have worked with him to design and implement development, planning and training policies according to two objectives: enhanced cooperation on the basis of shared objectives at regional level; the implementation of the regional economic development plan in the territories. In this context, our service offer includes information and facilitation of economic activity spaces, support for business creation, financing, international support, support for trade, economic information, the training of EPCI employees and the orientation of young people towards the trades.


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M. Gilles Falc’Hun

l’accompagnement sur mesure de BCI

For more than a quarter of a century, Bretagne Commerce International (BCI) has been promoting the opening of the Breton economy to international markets. Interview with Gilles Falc’Hun, president of the board of the regional association.

JGDE. What are the missions of BCI and what means do you have to carry them out?

Gilles Falc’Hun. BCI is an association of 800 Breton companies. It has two main missions. On the one hand, it enables all Breton companies, irrespective of their size, whether members or not, to structure and accelerate their international development projects. On the other hand, it favours the attractiveness of Bretagne, by supporting foreign companies wishing to invest in the region. To do this, we have a budget of just over 4 M €. € 3.2 million is provided by the Region, the remainder by the CCI, through the payment of the people’s salaries at our disposal in the territorial CCIs.

In total, BCI has about 40 jobs. We also have a network of more than 100 partners residing in more than one hundred countries. We are partners in the region and the representative of the Business France Invest agency.

JGDE. Thanks to your very profound territorial network, you know the companies and can effectively meet their needs. What are the main obstacles to their international development and what solutions do you bring?

GF. The problem is especially for first-time exporters, those who want to go abroad SMEs, many in Bretagne, do not always have the human resources to identify opportunities abroad. In addition to recurrent information meetings throughout the year, BCI offers them access to many online services, and can offer them tailor-made support. We also promote Bretagne by participating in about 40 trade shows around the world under the France pavilion. A convention system makes it possible to reduce the costs of access for companies to these events, but also to organise individual or collective missions abroad. The Region has also set up assistance to enable companies to hire their first export manager.


JGDE. Are you also involved in researching and welcoming foreign investors? How is it going?

GF. For the past ten years, the Region has entrusted us with a mission to approach foreign investors. The hundred BCI correspondents around the world are responsible for approaching the companies of interest. A BCI team is in charge of facilitating their reception in Bretagne by informing them about the possible locations, or the help they can benefit from. This support is discretionary, as companies often search simultaneously in several regions (French or European). Bretagne can, once again, rely on a competent and structured team, which knows how to avoid competing in the different territories of Bretagne.

JGDE. As CEO of Sill Entreprises (agri-food), you were named «Best French Entrepreneur» in 2016. What advice would you give to a young entrepreneur who would like to go abroad?

GF. With the weak growth in France and Europe, a company that wants to develop cannot ignore the international market. Of course, export is full of traps: regulations, costs, etc. However, you should not be afraid to go ahead, provided you’re aware beforehand, you choose partners wisely and have a network of skills and services like BCI.

Bretagne Commerce International
35 Place du Colombier 35000 Rennes



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3 success stories

venues de l’étranger

One American, two Japanese. A new location, an extension of activity, a relocation. Three examples of quality, tailor-made support offered by Bretagne International Commerce (BCI) to foreign companies.

It is not every day that a company relocates its activity to France from a low-cost country. In 2009, the American multinational group Cummins Filtration, present in Quimper since 1981, dismissed 58 employees and relocated part of its production in Turkey. In 2016, this manufacturer of engine filters repatriated this production line to go up in its plant in Bretagne. With the key, the creation of about twenty jobs. Cummins is committed to investing € 2.7 million in its Quimper site, with a three-year research and development program to support the project, stringent anti-pollution standards, and finally, a guarantee of sustainability.

175 jobs

Sanden Manufacturing Europe, a Japanese subsidiary of Sanden Inc, manufactures compressors for air conditioning in Tinteniac (35). With 934 employees, the group intends to create 175 jobs in two waves following the expansion of its range in the automotive sector, as well as its diversification into refrigerated display cases for distribution. «The company has asked us,» explains Vincent Chamaret, director of BCI, to gather as much information as possible on the evolution of this market in full development. «By 2020, 75% of the refrigerated furniture of several major food stores will require doors, which allows for a significant reduction in energy consumption.


Perhaps the most emblematic achievement is the establishment of the Makurazaki cooperative society in Concarneau. Established two years ago, today in full production with 15 employees, it is the first European manufacturer of katsuobushi, which is dried, fermented, and smoked skipjack tuna. This condiment, very popular in Japan, is made from bonito caught in the Indian Ocean by the CFTO armament of Concarneau. The fish is then cooked, smoked, dried and then cut by hand into small chips. Very expensive (100 € per kilo), the product is intended to enhance the soups and broths of the high-end Japanese restaurants in Europe.
Two Japanese craftsmen trained the employees to apply the ancient method of manufacture to the letter while respecting the European health rules. The project was indeed detected by Bretagne Commerce International during a stay in Japan. «The country,» explains Vincent Chamaret, his manager, «could not export its katsuobushi to our continent because it was not smoked according to European Union standards … The only solution was to settle in Europe, Bretagne won after several months of negotiations».

The Club of foreign investors in Bretagne

Created in June 2016 by BCI, this informal structure invites, once or twice a year, foreign companies based in the Breton territory to exchange and learn about cross-cutting themes common to a wide range of sectors. «For example,» explains Vincent Chamaret, director of BCI, «we brought a specialist from Business France on the new modalities of application of the «passport-talent « visa, intended in particular for entrepreneurs, economic investors and workers highly qualified».



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M. Hervé Balusson

Fondateur et PDG d’OLMIX GROUP

JGDE. Since 1995, OLMIX presents itself as the specialist of natural algo-sourced solutions for the hygiene, nutrition and health of plants, animals and humans. Could you introduce your group, its story, and come back to your hobby: ‘’Do better with less’’?

Hervé Balusson. Today, Olmix Group is a group that will achieve more than 150 M € turnover in 2017 with about 800 employees. The group relies on technological expertise developed since 1995 and natural solutions, without recourse to chemical processes, and uses the power of algae and algal molecules to offer innovative products with high added value focused on 3 activity areas of expertise:

  • Animal Care: ranges for well-being, nutrition and animal health with technologies significantly reducing the use of antibiotics
  • Plant Care: ranges that improve the functionalities that condition the development of the soil and the plant by limiting the use of fertilizers and pesticides, and with foliar biostimulants
  • Human Care: nutraceutical and agri-food ranges to limit the use of chemical additives

We are only at the beginning of the possibilities brought by the algal molecules to answer the stakes of food safety in the respect of the Man, the animal and the environment.

JGDE. From 3 resources (clays, trace elements and algae), you put on the market of efficient and profitable products; what are your qualities to ensure such innovations and especially to realise the production?

HB. Already, we chose from the start to settle in the heart of the Bretagne region and near the Atlantic coast, which enjoys the best conditions to obtain algae of an exceptional quality level on the world level, with an unpolluted raw material. and abundant. Our clays also come from careers reputed for the quality and the regularity of the supplies. In addition, our lands in Bretagne are also known for being farmed and cultivated lands.

Our know-how is based on our ability to mix the natural elements, such as algae extracts, clays, to value both dry and liquid materials and to test in real time with our ecosystem, in connection with the centers. (such as CNRS Roscoff, INRA, …) and to be able to constantly improve our «revenue» expected by the market.
We have always had the concern of equipping ourselves with our own research and development teams and our own industrial teams to design our production lines and master all our manufacturing steps by integrating strong demands into the quality of our products and services.


JGDE. The OLMIX group is today very active internationally and operates a rather active skills transfer policy. Could you come back to these two strategic aspects of your development?

HB. Our technologies are at the service of animals, plants and humans and are by definition developed to adapt to all continents without any restrictions.
It is from the beginning, in 1995, that we always reason as if the Earth were one and we have built a network all over the world. We are now established in 27 countries with coverage in more than 100 countries.

We are in strong growth and are able to offer our employees to support our growth and to propose to them to bring loud and clear the colors and values of «Olmix Group» on all continents. In most cases, our subsidiaries are managed by executives who have joined the group in Bréhan.

We have also created the Breizh Algae School to bring and return our customers, our partners as well as the collaborators as often as possible to exchange and share on the new products of the group and the needs of the market and thus always cultivate and spread the DNA and the philosophy of Olmix Group.

Finally, the group has developed digital tools at the cutting edge of communication, which allows our teams to always be «connected» to the changes expected by farmers, farmers and especially consumers of the whole world.


Live Pesticide-free, Antibiotic-free and Chemical-free with Algae for our future generations.


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M. Olivier Le Nezet

Président du Comité Régional des Pêches Maritimes et des Elevages Marins de Bretagne

JGDE. Maritime and marine fisheries are historical and emblematic pillars of the Breton economy. Can you give us some figures to show what this industry represents today?

Olivier Le Nezet. The Breton professional fishery represents 5,000 professionals, from the fishing to the sea fishing, and 1,200 vessels. This makes it the first French fishing area.

Beyond the economic performances, with a production of around 500 M€, it is a vital sector for the coastal economy of Bretagne and one of the cultural and tourist showcases of our region.

JGDE. You preside over the Regional Committee for Marine Fisheries and Marine Breeding in Bretagne. What are its missions?

OLN. The CRPMEM de Bretagne is a professional body created by law. It represents the interests of the sector, and the elected representatives of the profession who sit on its board have real powers in the management of fishery resources in the coastal strip. Their decisions are binding on the profession as a whole. The committee is actively involved in the development of sustainable fisheries and the protection of coastal and marine environment. It is also involved in maritime vocational training and the promotion of safety at sea.

JGDE. You regularly insist on the protection of the environment because fishermen are often on the front line to observe the evolution of the marine environment and participate in its preservation. What are your actions in this area?

OLN. We are very committed to the marine and coastal environment and we are committed to a clean, healthy and productive environment. The quality of water and of the environment in general favours the development of fishery resources exploited by fishermen. For this reason, CRPMEM operates on a Natura 2000 site in Finistère, is a member of the Iroise Marine Nature Park Management Board and works in partnership with the French Agency for Biodiversity on «Fisheries» risk analysis, the equivalent of the Natura 2000 fisheries impact assessments.

While CRPMEM works for the sustainable development of fisheries, it is opposed to any form of punitive ecology or to environmental measures that are not concerted or decided without objective expertise. We believe that the protection of the environment should not be based on a logic that excludes fishermen a priori but on the contrary by giving them the means to ensure compatibility between the production of quality natural resources and the preservation of the environment. Our recent experiments in this direction have demonstrated the effectiveness of this pragmatic management of the marine environment.

JGDE. You also work a lot with the world of research. Can you give us some examples of projects that you are working on?

OLN. With the Association Littoral Atlantique Atlantique (AGLIA), the Breton fisheries committees have launched an extensive program of studies on the effects of dredges on the banks of Maerl. The scientific interlocutor is the University of Western Brittany (DECIDER program).

Our colleagues on the Finistère committee launched a vast program of restoration of the stock of red lobsters with IFREMER several years ago. Another is under way to study the stock of shells in the Baie de Saint-Brieuc with the Côtes d’Armor Committee. The CRPMEM is also very invested in the management of the resource in wild algae present on our coasts. Two biomass assessment programs are currently being carried out by the committee: SEPALG with the IFREMRR and the Concarneau Museum of Natural History, and Biomass algae with the Roscoff biological station, Agrocampus Ouest and the Marine Nature Park, Iroise.

These are examples, but there is always an ongoing program or partnership with one or more scientific bodies. On a daily basis, the Breton committees work with these organizations to manage many stocks, and IFREMER is always invited to our meetings.

JGDE. It seems that you are also involved in the development of renewable marine energies (EMR). How do you position yourself in relation to this new activity?

OLN. Quite honestly, the development of TRAs may prove to be a constraint on fishing, especially as maritime areas are increasingly coveted by a large number of other activities: aggregate extractions, discharges of dredged vats ports, maritime traffic, submarine cable laying, consequences of BREXIT, etc.But Bretagne is a region with an energy deficit. It has proved difficult for CRPMEM to hinder the development of clean energy. On the other hand, the Breton committees are demanding on the choice of sites for wind farms and have always asked for them to be installed in the less restrictive sectors for fishing and taking into account the constraints linked to other activities. This must be achieved through increased consultation and real consideration of fisheries constraints, and this is the earliest stage of EMR development projects.


JGDE. Framework Directive on the Strategy for the Marine Environment, Community funding: the European Union is an important partner for the sectors you represent…

OLN. Yes, several directives have, in recent years, accelerated the movement towards maritime spatial planning. The CRPMEM is vigilant on their implementation: on the one hand to ensure a good balance between preservation of the environment and sustainable economic development and on the other hand so that the fishery does not become the variable of adjustment of this policy. The trap, for fishing, would be to find itself frozen forever on maps: it is not possible in a constantly changing environment that is the sea.

JGDE. What are Bretagne’s assets to remain among the region’s leading regions and what recommendations do you recommend to ensure the sustainability and development of your sectors?

OLN. Apart from its economic weight and its cultural attachment, Breton fishing has the chance to be diversified and versatile. Even though the fleet has been singularly reduced, it has always been able to adapt to meet the challenges. It has large quotas and a presence in many sectors. That is why Bretagne is at the forefront on the issue of BREXIT and its potential consequences on fisheries.

The fishermen’s owners are now full-fledged entrepreneurs, their vision has evolved considerably from previous generations. The CRPMEM considers that the state of fish stocks, in marked increase, encourages optimism. Breton fishing will ensure the renewal of ships and seafarers in order to maintain its place. This requires a high level of innovation and training. But also by giving more visibility to entrepreneurs, both on the availability of fishing capacities (gauge, power, quotas) and on the financing conditions of the projects. To achieve this, investors must be given confidence.

JGDE. How do you imagine the future of fishing?

OLN. I think fishing has a future and it can be thriving. It is necessary that the European authorities accompany the changes and transitions (ecological, energy, economic) without losing sight of the fact that at the heart of this sector there are women and men who go to sea to feed the populations. It is on this condition that the sailors will regain confidence in Europe in which they have placed a lot of hope, and that a new BREXIT will be avoided.



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M. dominique charles

Directeur de Bretagne Truite

JGDE. You are the Director of Fish Farms of Bretagne, can you present us your company, (its history, its composition, its markets)?

Dominique Charles. Bretagne Trout was created in 1996, it is the industrial tool that transforms and markets the trout production of the Cooperative Breton fish farmers recognised OP in 2001 (29) Plouigneau. It includes 29 fish farms in Bretagne and 2 in Normandy.

Bretagne with its quality white water rivers is the favorite territory of salmonids. It was in the ‘80’s that fish farming was mainly developed in Finistère.
Bretagne Trout transforms 4,800 tons of trout, 60% of which is very large trout (3 kg), mainly intended for the smoking market, 30% of trout under 1.5 kg for the fresh market of GMS and 10% of organic and all for a turnover of 22M € and 32 employees.

Bretagne trout sells 90% of its products in France and 10% for export. It sells 50% of its trout on Bretagne for smoking mainly.

JGDE. Trout is a real alternative to salmon, and demand continues to rise in France and abroad. What strategies do you put in place to reconcile increased production and maintains quality?

DC. Bretagne Trout has always played the quality card. To do this, the Cooperative has a structure of production of embryonated eggs «Sarl Milin Neves», which produces embryos for members of the Cooperative. For several years in partnership with the SYSAAF (35) Rennes (Union of Poultry Breeders and Aquaculture French) and INRA (29) Sisun, she works on various national research programs «VEGEAQUA», «RE-SIST», «SG -Trout «and Europeans as «FISHBOOST».
After having been able to improve fish feed efficiency, this involvement in Research and Development, allows us today to select our trout mainly on disease resistance.

In order to meet the growing demand for consumption, we must evolve in order to reconcile increased production and respect for the environment. To do this, the Cooperative has just recruited a technical director to assist producers on new models of «recirculated water» farms that will complete the production offer.


JGDE. Organic production represents the markets of tomorrow for many food production sectors. What about fish farming?

DC. Bretagne Trout and the Cooperative started production of organic trout in 2010 with a site. In 2017 two young fish farmers settled in Bio, bringing to six the number of organic sites with a 2019 forecast of 600 Tonnes. Bretagne Trout, as part of its sustainable aquaculture approach, fits perfectly into this «BIO» approach sought by the consumer. Our main markets are Smoked Trout, packaged fresh for supermarkets and catering markets, which allows us to respond to this seasonal production.


Zone Industrielle de Kerbriant


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Mme Anne Gallo

présidente du Comité Régional du Tourisme de Bretagne

JGDE. Bretagne is regularly at the top of the tourist destination rankings. What is the economic and social weight of the sector for the region?

Anne Gallo. With 12.8 million tourists welcomed in 2016 for 96.4 million overnight stays, Bretagne is one of the main French tourist destinations. Tourism accounts for 8.1% of GDP and 57,600 direct and indirect jobs, representing 4.8% of regional employment.

JGDE. You preside over the Regional Tourism Committee (CRT). Can you tell us about its missions and governance?

AG. The CRT Bretagne is a tool for the development and promotion of regional tourism. It is a federative body for all the region’s tourism players. It is financed by the Regional Council to deploy the tourism strategy and «to affirm Bretagne as an exceptional tourist destination». Its associative statutes ensure a shared governance between the institutional actors and their operators on the one hand, and private and associative actors on the other.

JGDE. You are also Vice President of the Regional Council for Tourism, Heritage and Waterways. What are the reciprocities between these three areas?

AG. In order to carry out the objectives of repositioning and reconquering tourism that the Regional Council aims at, it seemed necessary to involve the services of tourism, valorisation of heritage, inventory of heritage and waterways. This makes it possible to better organise the synergy of heritage and tourism policies, to reposition and revitalise heritage and waterway policies and to bring together the interests of the various actors. The ultimate objective is to establish a renewed attractiveness of tourism.

Tourism is supported and enriched by the identity of Bretagne, what makes the art of living together, its landscapes, its waterways, its heritage and its artistic creativity. Bretagne remains one of the most attractive regions, welcoming nearly 20,000 new inhabitants every year. This is obviously a major challenge, but above all a factor of enrichment and economic activity.

Our regional policies on tourism, heritage and waterways enable the Bretons themselves to discover and allow others to discover the riches of their region. They can participate, in their own way, in their preservation, enriching the art of living and the regional sociability.

JGDE. The Region has renewed its tourism strategy by identifying 10 destinations. How was this choice made?

AG. Bretagne needed a new organisation adapted to gain clarity and performance, integrating the changing needs of clients and service providers, all in the service of better economic efficiency.

The Tourism Strategy for Destinations, proposed by the Region in 2012, is based on the MORGOAT 2005 study which highlighted 10 major destinations and areas of flow. These are distinct geographical universes, with their own appeal.

The 10 tourist destinations constitute the heart of the Destination Bretagne contract launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which makes Bretagne one of the 22 French brands promoted internationally. These are project territories which, in a «public-private» partnership approach, support integrated tourism development and diversification strategies.

They are in fact the local mesh of structuring and tourist development and the EPCIs have a central role to play.


JGDE. European and international customers are very important. What are the promotional tools you use to capture and retain them?

AG. It seems essential to us, in the current context, to reinforce our valorisation activities in the traditional European markets and to address distant markets with high potential.

Four approaches are used in local markets: image campaigns; tactical campaigns in support of air or sea links; partnerships with neighbouring territories;
working with distribution networks and tour operators. For distant markets, we are part of global economic partnerships, for example, in the Australian market where the actions are part of a France-Australia intergovernmental agreement, or we integrate into global promotion of France. This is the case in the Chinese, Canadian and American markets.

JGDE. A recent CESER report pointed out the possible consequences of the Brexit on Bretagne’s economy. With more than 600,000 British visitors a year, tourism seemed particularly impacted…

AG. The British constitute the main foreign tourist clientele of our country. In Bretagne, it is an essential clientele, with 635,000 tourists for 5.6 million overnight stays, or 35% of the Breton foreign clientele.

Immediately after the vote on 23 June 2016, the issue of tourism became a major concern. The outcome of the negotiations is uncertain and it is difficult to imagine the overall economic impact. We believe, however, that in the long term, British customers will remain the region’s main foreign customers. It is therefore essential for us to maintain efforts to attract British customers, especially since, for several years, we have seen a decline in this clientele in France. It is a more worrying trend than the Brexit, which forces us to re-examine our offer.


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